Lots of people are stressed out, bored, depressed and hardly seem to have the energy to live life with all the vigour and vitality they would like to have.
Being low on energy has a huge cost on relationships and quality of life ...
Now, how would it be if you could have a place to go to in your own home that could recharge you, rejuvenate you and eliminate all the stress from your life in just a few minutes ? The great news is that you can create such a place in your own home with relatively little effort and spending a few minutes in your special place everyday could leave you super charged and feeling absolutely blissful ...
All you would have to do would be this - create a private meditation area and spend about twenty to thirty minutes in the morning and evening every day there ...
And you could use almost any form of meditation and achieve great results with just a few minutes of investment every day.
For a great technique of meditation, you might want to see http://www.
Ideas to create a private meditation area Here are a few ideas you might want to start with when you set out to create a private meditation area ...
Ideally, a meditation area should have lots of fresh air and quiet.
In large homes with gardens, this may be especially easy to create.
You could even choose a shady place under a large tree ...
You could also just spread a mat in a verandah and that could work equally well too.
And if your meditation area is situated close to a small pool or waterfall, then all the better as the sound of running or bubbling water could be soothing.
One thing you might want to be aware of when you choose to meditate outdoors is insects.
Since no garden could possibly be without them, it is possible that they could interfere with your meditation.
This is especially true if you are living in a place that mosquitoes call home too ...
The alternative to this would be to create a private meditation area indoors.
The bedroom would be a great place to create a meditation area in as meditation is a very private thing.
The lights can be dimmed, the doors closed shut and you could meditate undisturbed and emerge feeling absolutely wonderful at the end of your meditation session.
Using scented incense, candles and glare free lights could greatly enhance the atmosphere of tranquility and serenity.
Also, just the mere presence of a meditation area in a room creates an atmosphere of tranquility and serenity.
This pleasant effect may become more pronounced over time as you meditate regularly and begin to associate the area with the pleasant feelings and effects of meditation .
The effects of meditation are best experienced and language may not be sufficient to describe all the pleasant effects and feelings of meditation.
And a private meditation area could be a greataddition to your home.
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