Health & Medical Yoga

How to Dress for Yoga at Work

Yoga is more than a series of asanas (poses) and physical exercise.
Anyone who has taken even one class knows that yoga is a philosophy and a lifestyle above all.
All the things that yoga people say -
  • Live in the Present
  • Enjoy the Journey
  • Let the Prana Flow
They are key ideas in Yoga; and they are far easier said than done.
Women lead busy hectic lives.
We have been, "liberated.
" We are now free to work 25 hours a day.
That is another story, though.
For now, let's keep to the subject of Women Who Do Yoga.
On top of everything else that we have to do, we must also dress for yoga.
Most of us are working outside the home.
Along with the job, shopping, soccer matches, homework, cleaning and cooking, we Yoga Women need to find time for yoga.
If you are like me, this is time that I have to "steal," from my family.
It's me time.
Even though I know that this me time makes me a better person for my family, I still have a hard time finding time for practice.
The solution is to find outfits that work in the yoga studio as well as they work for work.
Rule No.
1 Don't Get Fired
  • Be appropriate.
    You can't show up in the office with a sweat suit or a tutu.
  • Yoga pants, even tight yoga pants can and should be worn to the office.
    Add a pair of boots and a jacket and you are not only appropriate; but stylish and comfortable as well.
Rule No.
2 Green is Good
  • Cottons, and organic cottons, fortified with 5% spandex offer the most comfort and flexibility.
  • Manmade fabrics are polluting and less comfortable, less absorbing, too.
  • Elastic is fine; but don't choke your chakras.
    Tight rings and elastic bands won't let the Prana Flow.
Rule No.
3 Keep the Yoga Class in Mind
  • Don't go home to change.
    They will never allow you to escape.
    Wear your yoga pants to work.
  • Loose is nice.
    Floppy is sloppy.
    We do a lot of inversions in yoga class.
    We don't want the billowy shirt down around the face in shoulder stand.
  • Extra long undershirts under your blouse maintain modesty in strange poses and give a long slimming look to your outfit.
Rule No.
4 Layers
  • The cotton jacket that you wear to work will come in handy at the end of class when you do a cool down or lay on the floor for Dead Man's Pose.
  • The aforementioned undershirt can be stripped down to while you are heating up in more vigorous poses.
Rule No.
5 Shoes
  • No sandals or open back shoes.
    Grasping the shoe with the toes, to keep them on, causes knee damage over time
  • Wear foot wear that can be kicked off with ease.
    Yoga is a barefoot endeavor.
    And when you are sitting behind your desk, it is a good idea to place the feet on the floor as anchors.
Enough with the rules, but here is a tip: a scarf can dress up a plain outfit and also be used as a handy yoga strap.

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