I have always been interested in proper nutrition.
Certainly it wasn't from my upbringing.
My family owned three restaurants and while the food was excellent, it was good home style cooking, heavy in sauces and creams.
More to the point I probably started to take a keener interest in good nutritional value and education my first year of college, where my roommate went on to become one of the food editors of a major food magazine.
So, whenever I find articles on health and eating tips, I tend to be drawn in.
Recently I found some education that talks about the foods that we don't tend to eat and how that might be in direct correlation to some of the symptoms that we tend to just chalk off as getting older.
For instance, if you are like a lot of friends of mine...
they tend to stay away from meat.
However animal protein gives to us the very necessary B12 vitamin.
If you are constantly tired, look at what you are eating and consider that you might be B12 deficient.
Do you find that you are experiencing a lot of joint pain? It might not be because of the weather or your age.
You might not be getting enough copper.
The bad news is that foods like liver (sorry for any liver lovers out there) contain very high amounts of copper.
The good news is you can also find copper in chocolate, lobster and calamari...
which, luckily for me happen to be three of my favorites! Many people, in hopes of losing or maintaining weight, avoid fats.
But Omega 3 Fats are important for proper brain functions.
So, if you find yourself forgetting things...
look to the amount of Omega 3 you are giving to yourself.
Two of my favorite Omega 3 rich foods are salmon and trout.
If you want to really boost your Omega 3 intake...
try walnuts and walnut oil to complement your fish dish.
Certainly we are a nation on the go, which means more and more processed foods which in turn means lower levels of potassium which in turn is a great contributor of high blood pressure.
Check out the amount of fresh fruits and veggies that are entering into your diet.
Cantaloupe is one of the best fruits for potassium, but so are bananas, as well one of my favorites and believe me that I am telling you the truth: Brussels Sprouts.
While not this education is not information on Gold and Silver and money management tips, trust me when I tell you it is just as valuable.
It's Only Education...
The More You Have...
The Better Your Life Will Become.
Go and make it a terrific day.
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