Health & Medical Yoga

Basic Yoga Instructions


    • Wear comfortable aerobic attire for a yoga class. For hygiene reasons, buy your own yoga mat rather than borrow one from the studio or gym. Many department stores and some yoga studios sell them. Remove shoes and socks before getting on the mat.

      Try to relax. The whole purpose of yoga is to create harmony in the mind and body. "Go with the flow" is a good mantra to have before, during and after a yoga class. To avoid contraindicated poses, let yoga instructors know about any chronic conditions or injuries before a session begins.

    On the Mat

    • Most yoga classes start with a short period of meditation and/or breathing exercises. Use this time to focus on the present moment. Challenge the body and mind in a harmonious way, remembering that a yoga practice should never cause pain. Deep stretches and muscle burn is desirable, however. Follow "inhale" and "exhale" cues, or remain even and smooth with your breathing.

      Listen and look at the instructor's cues and demonstrations of poses, and keep the mind as free as possible. This allows for better absorption of the instruction and blocks out the compulsion to compare to other students.

      Be aware of how the body feels from head to toe. Some yoga poses, particularly strength-bearing ones, can cause the body to tense. Use the muscles that need to work, but also try to relax. The shoulders and face should remain soft and neutral as much as possible.

      Many instructors offer modifications, or levels of poses, which allow students to go at their own pace. Pick a version of the pose that feels challenging but not painful or stressful. Feel free to skip a pose or two. Many students like to rest in Balasana (child's pose), which is face down on the mat with hips resting between or on heels--similar to a baby sleeping.

      Use the entire body. If your hands are on the ground, spread fingers out wide and press into fingertips and palms. If a pose requires standing on one foot, then spread out the toes on the foundational foot, bend the knee slightly, and keep the abdominal and back muscles contracted.

      Most yoga classes end with a relaxation segment in Savasana (corpse pose). Use this time like it is a short vacation. Try to let random thoughts float out of the mind and allow all the muscles to soften. If resting on your back is not comfortable, then simply modify your position until you find comfort. For example, bend your knees with your feet flat on the floor or lie on one side.

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