Society & Culture & Entertainment Religion & Spirituality

Astronomy , Planets and its powers

I have been repeatedly pointing out the fact that study of Astronomy /Astrology is not like studying any other books/articles. 

One has to have terrible imaginary powers and have to ensure that the physical structure/planets qualities are understood thoroughly very well. For this everyone has to see the celestial space using the Third eye. 

When we live on planet Earth, it is actually tiny one in the space comparatively, it is not at all possible to understand other large planets that easily. But they are all real and celestial space does not have boundaries and it expands and has been expanding for ever.

In the Solar system, consisting of nine planets, the orbital distance upto which the Planet SUN have the gravitational pull to keep them intact is about 4000 million Kms. Can anyone understand such a distance??. It is impossible to understand and also visualize, as our human brain's knowledge is very much limited.

The planet SUN has a diameter of about 1.4 million Kms.It is holding within it billions of tonnes of Hydrogen converting it to helium and generating temperatures of the order of 25 million Degree C, (at the core) is another reality which again can never be understood by us.

Eventhough we live On Earth , this planet also holds within it many secrets which are yet to be discovered and understood. The nature has created a limitation for we humans to live within particular parameters namely temperature/pressure/gravity.Hence we are restrcited to live within these parameters, that too not everywhere on this planet.

Therefore whatever we know and/or learnt in our life, humans have defined about GOD and many superstitious beliefs. In Hindu religion there are millions of ways of worshipping/idols/prayers/ etc., There are many in Hinduism also refuting the claim of old school of thoughts like idol worshipping/prayers etc..

When we travel in celestial space, it is always a thrill to look at various planets/asteroids/stars etc...  But one thing in common among them being the great discipline they all maintain with respect to their rotation. May be we can see even on Earth, Sun flowers/Lotus etc., just smile at the rise of SUN and looks like going to bed or feeling sorry when Sun sets. Even our mind  gets fresher when Sun rises and we feel like doing some work during the period when Sun shines on us.

These may look simple but they are all reality and cannot be brushed aside as though it is insignificant. This is the way our great sages have been analyzing the nature and found out that there is significant connection between SUN and us. Similarly, when they analyzed further, found out that each and every planet and star impacts our mother earth and lives on it.

There can be no doubt about Planet SUN makes us to survive or otherwise no chance of any lives on earth. This has made our great sages to look at SUN as the Driving force. It is not only SUN which created life. It is Water where actually life creation started. Then Air made lives to survive with Gravity of earth made us to move and stand.

In other words the Planet SUN is the guiding force for providing five elements water/earth/air/sky/fire. Without the sky or the Ozone layer perhaps life would not have been possible. The Ozone layer reduces temperature from about 200 degree C to about 50 Degree C. Hence there are other features too provided for our survival.

These kind of invisible power are there in various types and behaves in particular manner depending upon the planetary movements. These invisible powers that they exert can be understood when one calmly thinks/analyzes the planets/stars and its movements.

In my analyzys i found that when SUN moves through Pisces to Gemini constellations, one can find rise in temperatures around line of equator. Sometimes when we visit the places located near equator, it is very hot and unbearable. Though during this period it looks very bad to live even, the reason being huge quantity of water in the ocean gets evaporated. This water gets purified while evaporation and forms as cloud. Now when SUN moves from Constellation of Cancer to capricorn, the entire world witnesses rains everywhere whereby pure water is given to Mother earth so that all lives can survive.

The above explanation has to be understood properly as these things happen because the Planet earth is tilted to SUN, so that seasons take place properly. Though we all enjoy seasons as great nature's gift, it happens because of other factors in the nature.

These forces and natural powers are defined by our great sages as GOD. These powers are depicted in the form of idols of various shapes/designs. Similarly our great sages have studied animals and other form of lives on earth. They have found some extraordinary powers some lives have in them. for e-g there are many varieties planets/trees/flowers grow in the same soil and how is it possible?.   Similarly animals/birds etc., and so on.

Systematic study and analyzis of all these factors will result of getting very valuable informations. One can find except human beings all the other forms of life strictly follow the Planet SUN only or they are commanded by SUN to follow it. Similarly,  planet MOON has direct control over Ocean/water. During full Moon days they are clearly visible.

The above are just some examples and for all the actions happening in our Mother earth is being directed or commanded by other planets. This is how our great sages have given us the spititual procedure/ practices for offering prayers.

I hope that after reading my articles readers may find that astrology has relevance like astronomy. I will go indetail about various plaents and its qualities and their behaviour on us in my future articles. 


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