Health & Medical Mental Health

Baby Health Information

    Immunization Debate

    • The debate over whether or not immunizations are necessary or whether or not they are responsible for such conditions as autism continues. Those who support immunizations and those who do not all make convincing arguments; however, the decision of whether or not to have your child immunized is between you, your child's father and your child's health care professional.

      It should be noted that immunizing children is what has led to the decrease and almost disappearance of polio, smallpox and diphtheria. However, these and other contagious diseases can still occur, and it is continued immunization that keeps them from spreading or becoming more prevalent.

      It is true that there are some children who cannot be immunized due to medical conditions, specifically those that affect the immune system. Consider, however, that these children are being protected by the immunized children.


    • No mother wants to consider the possibility of discovering her baby has died from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or SIDS. However, the risk, though small, does exist. There are ways to reduce the chances of it happening.

      Your baby should be placed on her back each and every time she is sleeping. This is the most effective way of reducing the risk of SIDS.

      The sleeping surface should be firm. Your baby should never be allowed to sleep lying on a pillow, quilt, comforter or other soft surface.

      The bed should be clear of toys and soft objects and the bedding should be tucked in tightly.

      Keep your baby cool while he sleeps. Dress him in light sleeping outfits and keep the room at a temperature level that feels comfortable to you.


    • A major cause of respiratory illness in young children is respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV. While most children will contract RSV at least once before they turn 2 years old, simply because of the fact that it is highly contagious, it is those children who were premature or have diseases which affect the heart, lungs and/or immune system who are in danger.

      You can reduce the chances of your child contracting RSV by keeping your hands and your child's hands clean, and keeping sick children home and isolated from siblings until the symptoms subside.

    Colic or Reflux

    • Colic is defined as long periods of crying experienced by a baby, during which time she cannot be consoled. She may also act as though she has intestinal distress, although colic is not believed to cause pain. Crying that lasts longer than three hours a day and occurs three to four days a week is said to be colic.

      Reflux occurs when the contents of the stomach come back up into the esophagus. This happens to everyone, but it can be quite uncomfortable in babies. Symptoms can mimic those of colic and frequent spitting up or vomiting can also occur. In addition, an increase in the frequency of ear infections or sinus congestion can also be a symptom of reflux.

      Both colic and reflux usually diminish as your child gets older.

    When to Call the Doctor

    • The most important rule for calling the doctor is simple. If you think you need to call the doctor then do so. A good pediatrician will not mind receiving calls and would rather you err to the side of caution.

      Other times to call the doctor are when a child less than 1 month old has any fever at all, children between 1 and 3 months have a temperature of over 100 degrees Fahrenheit and children 4 months or older have a temperature of over 102.6 degrees F.

      Call the doctor if it appears your child is becoming dehydrated, especially if he has been vomiting continuously. Signs of dehydration include less than eight wet diapers in a 24-hour period, sunken eyes and dry mouth.

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