If you are thinking of hosting your websites on shared hosting platforms, then you will want to know the do's and don'ts of hosting. Most people will commit these fatal hosting mistakes and can cause great stress and loss. Choosing a web hosting company to host your websites can be difficult, but if you do your research and know what to look for, then you will come out on top.
Our first Don't, is never register your domain name with your hosting company, even if they offer you free domain for signing up. You want to try and keep these two items separate, your domain and hosting to avoid conflict if you decide you want to leave your current hosting provider. It might cost you a few extra bucks to pay for separate domain registration, but this will be worth it and will be an added insurance for you and your site. Our first Do, is to renew your domains one month prior to your expiration date, this will save you headaches, in case you forget you need to renew. Another Do, is that you will want to read your hosting provider's TOS (Terms of Service), by understanding the TOS, you will know what to expect from billing to support.
You also never want to do domain name charge backs, as this will effect your entire account and can cause your sites and domains to all be suspended while you sort out the chargeback issues. Always use the hosting provider's ticketing system versus emailing them. Emails can get lost, sometimes end up in the spam folders, but creating a support ticket via the support portal, this will be sent directly to the department and the problem will be fixed much faster. Also, please beware of cheap introductory domain pricing, like 1st year free, because for your 2nd year, you will be charged much more than anywhere else.
By following these simple do's and don'ts, this will help you in your efforts to find the best hosting for your domain and sites and also help prevent unwanted stress and financial loss in the future. At RankFirst Hosting, we work 24/7/365 to provide you excellent service and support with our SEO focused hosting products, and we ask that you contact us to allow us to help you host your websites.
SEO Hosting with RankFirst Hosting
Hosting is the main factor for your website, blog, or eCommerce site. RankFirst Hosting is providing fast and reliable hosting service for your website hosting needs. Are you looking for the best SEO Hosting Company for your website? No worry, just go with Rankfirst Hosting . We will help you find exactly the right hosting package for you. If you want to rank first in Google and other search engines then the solution is to have your websites hosted with RankFirst Hosting. We are one of the best hosting companies that can provide you fast server speeds with 99.99% up time.
We pride ourselves in excellent products, service, and support. Most of the best web hosting providers will help you host your sites on their servers, but with RankFirst Hosting, we go beyond just hosting your content. We get higher rankings for our sites hosted with us, because our servers are SEO optimized and are free from any abuse or negative IP backlists. With this, you can host your websites and also experience greater traffic exposure with increased keyword rankings
If you want to build back links to your website, consider trying SEO hosting and building a network of blogs, you can start off small and grow from there with our pool of multiple c class IPs, we can assist you in your rapid growth at any time. Blog networks are becoming increasingly popular and with C Class IP Hosting or also known as SEO Hosting, you can have all your blog network located in one account but still be able to spread out your IP delegations amongst your domains with our IP Manager.
Rank First Hosting is providing high quality support to all its clients and websites. Rank First Hosting gives support 24/7/365. We have a large range of clients, and do all we can to assist and look forward to helping you in your web hosting needs.
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