- 1). Lay the bandanna on a flat surface with one corner facing directly toward you.
- 2). Fold the corner farthest away toward you so that the tip of the corner is in the center of the bandanna. This creates two smaller corners on that edge.
- 3). Flip the bandanna over with the same original corner still facing you.
- 4). Place the iPod between the smaller corners and fold the corners carefully around the iPod and into the middle of the bandanna. If desired, the headphones connected to the iPod can be laid horizontally toward one of the side-facing corners. The earpieces will emerge from one of the tied ends of the bandanna. This will create an open pocket for the iPod.
- 5). Fold the portion of the bandanna closer to you over the bottom two inches of the iPod and fold back the remaining cloth onto itself several times in an accordion-style fashion. Tuck the corner underneath. Remove the iPod from the pocket and set aside.
- 6). Tie the bandanna securely around your head or other body part. Place the iPod in the pocket and operate accordingly. The pocket can remain open or the original corner can be unfolded from the back of the bandanna and tucked into the pocket to protect the iPod.
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