The most unfortunate outcome of a misrule in any country is the propagation of discrimination among masses on the cover of democracy or freedom. Freedom of thought does not mean that hands raised in majority can sell out basic human ethics. All medical doctors can never become perfect physicians or excellent surgeons despite the fact that all of them have had same training by the same set of tutors.. Freedom and democracy should mean the availability of opportunity for rise in the career and selection based progress must generate competition. Free distribution of money, food and medicine is the humane activity under the survival crisis but not for political gains. John F Kennedy rightly said" we can take you to fishing but can not give you fish". In India and in many such countries where getting votes to remain in power is the major national motivation of political parties, free distribution of all possible commodities will paralyse ( ? has already paralysed) basic self respect tagged discipline and work-culture among many a men. We are already witnessing repercussions; more than 80% persons educated or illiterate have, within past 25 years or so, have become terribly opportunist and narrowly selfish. "Hell with norms and ethics, what for "?, they say openly. Only money works !! India has all typical characteristics to become a perfect corrupt nation. Under no norm of democracy a corrupt and dishonest person or incidence be preferred. However legal experts claim that quite often, it becomes difficult to prove who is honest and who is dishonest and deliberate well planned loop holes in our legal network can also promote corrupt outlook. Even well to do, wealthy, healthy, highly intellectual class with power are becoming narrowly selfish. Large majority needs to fetch money and more money on any act or deeds. Another concept of "business management -penetration" has become fatal for Education. Highly qualified teachers/ professors and proved eminent scholars are no more needed to impart lessons because they would need more money than daily waged lectures. Teachers are not employed on regular employments they are hired as "guest faculty" for petty three hundred rupees per lecture. A Ph.D. holder does not earn more than six or seven thousand per month and that too only six months in a year because he/she is offered this work in September and teaching schedule is finished by next February. Business management concept percolated among the mighty minds of politicians and planners dictates that why should we spend money on teachers of quality when remaining teaching formality can be handled by some lower scales of money payments. Universities and colleges do not need highly qualified and well experienced promising talented teachers decorated with research work; there is no need of better and better laboratories and the concept prevailing for nearly quarter of century is that why waste money in scholarly acquisitions? Science laboratories hardly perform experiments-practicals in schools; the great invention of CD & computer releases oxygen, does photosynthesis and even chromosomes divide by a simple mouse click which can be done even by a peon or helper. Keep young teachers hungry and baffled for bread and butter so that saving money is facilitated, at the same time confusion, disrespect and hatred persist as perennial water. No nation should afford such a frame of rules of low dignity. .
The Time has come that, without further delay, all political parties world over must realize that the supremacy of the Nation is far superior than the existence of a political party and related interests of economic gains. Political parties in India have been, by and large, more concerned with the overall progress of their "own-men-kiths and kin complex" rather than the social uplift of common masses. In India, the imposition of emergency was to protect the sovereignty of the dominant political system but somehow culminated in to prejudices and misrule. Then, there was imposition of reservation policy which further knitted distrust thereby, distorting the total face of many noble deeds in to discriminatory-reservation policy rather than facilitating-policy. On one hand, our constitution imposes sacred humane trust of equality and allows no favour by any means of caste, creed, sex or religion but, on the other hand, exclusive discriminatory acts and biased regulations have been stamped (?). Even wealthy and well to do so called backward communities represented among officials, politicians and businessmen are getting maximum benefits by ignoring their own poor kiths and kin. The real backward and poor people very rarely avail of political and social gesture. The functioning process of all political systems has been undesirably driven in to flood-waters of corruption reaching a point of no return. I dare say that even legendary God "Indra hits Bajjra" the corruption can not be eradicated from the minds of most politicians.
The entire performances of great India during past three decades have indisputably exhibited that India is NOT a poor nation; look at the gigantic corrupt performances of "national scandals". Many such scandals which will further surpass these records are still unearthed; their monetary involvements are so huge that could otherwise feed all Indians for a year. So, the common man in India is too poor and will remain poor. The Nation has been spending trillions of rupees and very sensitive and precious time in politicizing everything in disastrous manner; even education. I have often believed that in order to kill a nation and keep it slaved, rulers have to kill education. This had happened when Hitler captured Poland in the World war II. Troops entering Krakow , erstwhile capital of Poland, were instructed to arrest all teachers in the universities and all lawyers. Doctors were sent to Concentration camps. Eminent scholars were tortured and even shot dead. Enlightened education so also educators are not tolerated by dictating rulers.
This is what has been achieved and is being practiced in many developing and developed nations. I have been taking notes on these points for nearly five decades with an attempt to understand the Ethics of Nationalism and Education. Hereunder a few of personal thoughts without any bias are outlined with a conclusive summary that political governance needs National Democracy to begin with in India and then, to be followed in all Republics world over !!.
II. Why National democracies are neded ?!
Several Years ago when Shri T.N. Sheshan was at the helm of affairs of genuinely reforming democratic elections in the country I had expressed in my short letter to him that could it be possible that we forget "party affiliation after the elections are over". He thanked me for this letter. My intention was, and again which is precipitated through this presentation that the party politics may be only up to the contesting of elections but as soon as the representatives take oath, all members of the house will be one composite unit of the State and National assemblies respectively. In other words, the Nation and obviously each state or province, should be governed by the House or Parliament not by any Political Party. A party is an amalgamated assemblage of compelled and compromising individuals with a dream practically for the lust of power while the Parliament is a statutory body comprising of elected people by masses of the nation. Obviously, portfolio assignment of ministerial offices will not solely represent a party affiliation of the incumbent. The election for Speakers and respective ministerial designations will have to be within the respective houses and no symbolic attachment to any party labels need be exercised or advocated. The election of ministers will be within the House . The loyalty of each elected individual will be first to the national and social needs while localized problems will have to be mooted out after the initiative of the specific representative in the house. I have made several commanding points so as to generate the noble feeling of serving the national problems as well as care for specific and local problems without changing much in the fundamental rights of every national. Under no circumstance general elections will be held before Four or Five years as may be decided by the majority in the House
(1) Elected Members of Parliament will take oath as being the members of the house and accordingly be faithful and fully and finally committed to the sovereignty of the nation. Except the removal of the name of the political party all basic rules laws, byelaws and constitutional dictums will have to be implemented without damaging the national spirit.
(2) Each member, while taking oath has to declare the de-affiliation to a political party and be tied up with the National Governance Party Affiliation. The new body National Governing Council will be constituted to look after the unity and integrity of all elected and or nominated members
(3) National Governing Council will last for Five years and interim elections will be held only for an individual's vacancy, if there be any.
(4) The prime minister and speakers will be elected by the house of elected members by majority votes and each and every individual will be free to cast his/her vote without any bias or compulsion of any other political affiliation.
(5) Ministers, not more than 20% of the strength of the house (total members/ seats) will be chosen/ elected out of elected members and portfolios will be given / distributed as per the Prime Minister's choice.
(6) Leader of the opposition will be termed as Leader of Debates and will be elected from amongst all members of the house.
(7) Each and every member must prepare a proposal and take part in discussions as and when needed with full justification following procedures of submission and presentations as applicable today.
(8) Each and every matter may be discussed and if needed, may be voted out but there will be no question of the fall of the Government; the proposal will be defeated bringing no disgrace to anyone but on the other hand we shall have a better plan and ideas emerging form such discussions.
(9) All existing laws and byelaws should prevail with this National Governance Parliament. On the expiry of the term of the President the next President will be nominated or elected for the text term in the office by a majority vote or unanimous consent of the house.
(10) In the event of any dispute which could not be resolved even after three serious sittings of the house within a fortnight, the matter will be referred to the
President who will decide the issue by holding a meeting of President-Board which will include the President, Chief Justice of the Nation, the Prime minister the leader of the opposition and the Home minister.
III B. Expected Changes after implementation of National Governance Concept
( To be assessed after Five Years of Implementaion)
(1) Political parties will have to have ideology based memberships and "jumping" members will be automatically get disheartened in due course
(2) Discriminations on the basis of caste and community have to be scratched off; no nation needs everlasting punishment to deserving/ qualified citizens.
(3) The voters will choose and may vote for the deserving candidates; also, honest and educated candidates will decide to join politics. This is particularly the most valid reason for compelling us to go for National Governance Concept because today you have to vote for the Political Party –Candidate without much caring for his/ her credentials. If you vote on the basis of merit only there will be no stable Government because every political party may have candidates being terribly corrupt and top grade culprits/outlaws as well as scrupulously honest and dedicated workers.
(4) Immediately on taking oath as elected members of the House the member has to be totally de affiliated from the political party and has to be a bonafide member of the National Governance. The ministers and their portfolios and or specific assignments obviously may depend more on their background.
(5) Proved or strongly and legally labeled outlaws will be gradually removed from the political scenes and new ones will be punished with greater legal enforcements.
(6) Too many elections and too many narrow political disturbances have made most democracies as luxuriantly expensive. Millions and millions of national currencies are wasted every year on the name of democracy. No democracy should involve so many elections; for example In India, we have elections as heart beats.
(7) Education, Health and Defense are the three most vital and sensitive parts of the National integrity; under no circumstance a nation should afford degradation in the quality and quantity. Education reform is not a political issue; this is a fundamental right at all levels of life.
(8) Degree acquisition is being facilitated by correspondence and by several other cheaper ways so the Education by degree qualification can not justify the merit; getting marks in several examinations has become too much mechanical. The present setup of education reforms has taken us beyond knowledge and truthful citizenship. Very highly educated personnel have miserably failed in planning and fulfilling their job dependent duties. University education has to be reverted back to original independent functioning with no political involvement. Clerks of various grades and pseudo-scholars as professors are controlling fate of education. This has to a national agendum.
(9) Bandhs (Mass closures- total strikes) have to be banned. Transport/ medical facilities must not be closed. Demonstrations and free expressions can go on.
(10) Senior experts can further enumerate positive and negative points.
IV. A. Background for Change ?
The entire world needs rethinking on the survival of human race. There need not be wars for capturing lands but human greed knows no limits. Nobly enough we have set up several International bodyguard agencies to surmonise us, offer some checks or obstacles to prevent fights but, more often, who cares?. Everywhere, more emphatically in India, all major political parties have had a chance to rule and administer at least at State levels (also called, Province) during past 60 years or so. Everywhere, even in African and Russian countries, some progress on all sectors has been remarkably experienced and there is a hell of difference in situations when compared to the pictures of 1950s more so, after the world war II. Humans have emerged politically as one Human race with humane feelings and rules, regulations; laws and bylaws have demonstrated universality. The greatest cumulative achievement of the human race is that a child is a child world over; education, water and health are universal problems. Too many non stop fights in the past human history led to the wars and the human race has witnessed the worst possible tortures and the most heinous crimes also, world over. We have had all kind of experiences and have seen great human disasters. Now at least our entire scientific progress must be diverted to make life more livable. Unfortunately however, we are still on the same footsteps of destruction. We have to be awakened; there is no need for repetition of designed peril, God forbid!!
In Ancient India, as history reveals, we have had rules of democracy as well as brutal dictatorships but then, nations were confined to territories of winning wars. Even in the modern world many nations were born in world wars and many were abolished. In this century as well, many smaller unions are struggling for freedom. Above all these activities the hardest fact is that small or big nation has to be governed by some or the other group of people and there has to be a government to govern and regulate the law and order, provide basic amenities to the people. With a long background of dictatorships, monarchies and power driven administrations over several centuries the human race have evolved "democracy " (governmental organization-driven administration of the people, for the people, by the people) and have implemented in a large number of countries and are on way to implement in many other countries currently rolling out to stand as "Independent Nation". But indisputably, humans on account of their evolutionary weaknesses are leaving no stone unturned to demolish the scrupulously honest concept of democracy. Democracy is not a joke to practice!!
Democracy is for those who inherently deserve this most delicate kindness, humble submission and stern action as strong as an unshakable mountain. Democracy does not mean that nine sick hands raise voice to remove a healthy giant in order to saddle an imbecile on the throne(?). India has been living as Political India and we are now shaping India as a Nation. India should live as a nation in all do's, dont's and deeds. But the motives of governance of all nations have been changing very fast because the ever increasing greed of powerful men and women do not limit their boundaries. Political governance in India has not been perfect democracy because dishonest and corrupt practices have not been punished on time. So "evils breeding truthfully and faithfully" have generated enormous distrust among all sectors and honest people, ideas and actions rarely have deserving acceptance. Indian character of scrupulous honesty, bravery and truthful deeds appears to have been almost forgotten.
I have been hearing a children's song staged at annual functions of all institutions in almost all parts of India (that) "from top of Kashmir mountains to deeper side of Indian Ocean in Kanyakumari, India is one". Yes, India is one, why transfer thought as a stage drama and then forget in practice?. This has become a ritual while divided India is visible in every class room, every sector of thought and deeds. Preferences are for caste , creed ,sex , religion and lately, even of party dependent politics. We have entered on a different play ground and are deliberately wasting time, money, talent , morale and religion. We still hold war- time pencils on Indian map and are stretching lines on the Indian map on the basis of dirtiest evil of all times, the Discrimination, sowing- nurturing- harvesting hatred and hatred only; these lines of divisions are the deepest ever, more volcanic than any volcano. The geological volcano's lava cools down with time, human hatred percolates in civilizations for generations; we Indians are one of the rarest examples in human civilization still suffering from cast and creed based discriminations as imprints of slavery.
Our politicians have miserably failed during past thirty years in bringing the real unity among Indians in order to make India as a nation. On the contrary each and every one riding on the saddle, did divide and further divide so that Indian as a citizen should never be one in ideas and feelings. An Indian must be kept divided, confused, must be starved, must be humiliated and comparatively slaved so that the dirty tactics of minting money by all humanly possible ways should not be stopped for them and for their future followers in politics. I dare say that Indians are on average, the best possible brains world over, so many politicians ruling the nation would never like to hand over congenial atmosphere. The concept of freedom does not come to minds in practice. Obviously then, this is the right time when sensible politicians should think of abolishing social discriminations and offer support to honest and faithful nationalists. There is no need of defying merit and meritorious citizens on the basis of discriminatory practices.
IV B.Jealously-Hatred wrapped Plans Release Deadliest Poison
Jealousy, hatred and greed are the ugliest dresses self-tailored by human mind. Combining philosophy and science, these are inherent in human mind as endowments of evolutionary aspects of animal behavior. We have unknowingly or knowingly learnt each and every aspect of our behavior from animals; we become animate at any time. Modern ruling cabinets/parliaments or governing statutory bodies must ensure that there need not be any such dictum which may enhance capturing of others' genuine rights and human feelings. After all we all are human beings and none of us on the planet can take away even a coin, out of huge wealth we had looted, when we finally depart !!
IV C. Is world becoming more and more perverted ?
Yes, the first answer is yes, with pause; because,
" This is a dog eating dog world---" Romans put it as " homo homini lupus" ( man is wolf to man) a famous sentence known to Romans for centuries. Quite possible, in order to appease of the consequences an sculpture was made in myth of a female wolf being suckled by the infant twins, Romulus and Remus who had founded Rome. As the story goes, twin founders would have died near the river Tiber, had the she wolf not nursed them. The neat message is that while the man is the greatest enemy of man (himself) there are certain natural miraculous deeds which save men with the help of animals. The bronze statue in a museum in Rome stands for several centuries as a testimony for such a miracle. She wolf represents a "mother," a saviour. . In nature as well, very nobly conscious naturalists and photographers have captured dozens of pictures in their cameras where small wounded animals have sometimes been saved by mighty animals, who in normal course, would have luxuriously engulfed such smaller creatures many times in lunch. All life forms exhibit groupings, anger, lust, love, hatred, jealousy and also kindness. Performance of behavior depends upon interactions of internal and external environment. We as highly evolved animals are gifted with many instincts of control; human mind has enormous capabilities not yet discovered even by humans. Only we the humans know we have to die but we forget ?.
IV D. Social reform is on going process : are national democracies needed world over ?
The ways "Democracy" has changed world over in general and Indian democracy in particular, establishes that the world no more cares for better survival of human race in general. In order to live more and more luxuriously, one has to kill others' domain of freedom, honesty and humane virtues. People are not living life; they are "managing life". The ill fated "business management concept" has transformed mode of ruling world over and this is being defined as politics of the age. "Exploit and rule, destroy past, enjoy present at any cost" has become the rule in offing almost in every part of world. Thinkers, poets, scientists and philosophers with original intellect are hardly needed; photocopiers and pseudo -nationalists are breeding like bacteria and fungi. Yet the earth will not deviate from its orbit. Every part of the world has had revolutionaries to remind, object and rejuvenate deep seated humanism in all races at all times. We will need them again and again; even now.
IV E. Why is this change needed ?
Everywhere, more emphatically in India, all major political parties have had a chance to rule and administer at least at State levels (also called, Province) during past 60 years or so. Everywhere, even in African and Russian countries, some progress on all sectors has been remarkably experienced and there is a hell of difference in situations when compared to the pictures, after the world war II and more emphatically after 1950s. Too many non stop fights in the past human history had led to the wars and the human race has witnessed the worst possible tortures and heinous crimes, world over. We have had passed through very bad time and our entire scientific progress somehow must be diverted to make life more livable Humans have emerged politically as one Human race with humane feelings and rules, regulations; laws and bylaws have demonstrated some universality. The greatest cumulative achievement of the human race is that a child is a child world over; education, water and health are universal concerns offering administrative problems. But political greed again has increased manifold and most nations are living with double standards. Truthfully honest, we are still on the same footsteps of destruction. There is no need for repetition, though, God forbid !!
The greatest menace that party-politics world over has dictated is the wrong definition of progress. Every nation's target, is to exploit everything, anything, any time, by any means so as to be more luxuriously rich resourceful and physically powerful. These national activities supervised by the governmental administration over 50 years have, motivated masses, the world over to resort to jealousy and favouritism as much as possible, under any threat or cost.
Jealousy is inborn error inherent in the evolutionary ladder of mankind. A great majority of population everywhere, in every nation, lives with the political ideas, thoughts and deeds. Politics (often means: create and work with differences) appears to have become mode of life of more than 50 to 75% people in each nation. Originally, noble people with extreme honesty, perfect humble and truthful nationalism can not survive with dignity and respect in many nations. This is more or less true for India as well, which was said to be a nation of love and truth (?). History of series of betrayals and lists of thousands of battles shrewdly planned with the help of inner cowards over several centuries do not support the theory. Even Lord Rama was the victim of jealousy, in my opinion. So also even now, jealous and favouritism stricken people openly assassinate nobility and we go on searching for so called "evidence".
The whole world has witnessed in all chapters of the past history that the truth prevailed after a long struggle at the cost of many ill fated losses. But practically, truth has had never existed to rule and shall never exist to dominate because the Man is not borne for truth, but for evils. Modern world, for the past five or six hundred years in particular, has been shaping for different kind of motives posed by wars and greed of power. And universally accepted and unalterable national agenda have been shaped to say, "Fight, Exploit and Enjoy". Jealousy is the most ancient weapon accompanying manhood and rulers or kings have been transformed to politicians on the pretending face of democracy. While politics emerged as a common man involvement strategy, a politician emerged as a contradictory man more so because wrong doing democracies opted for a slavery-coated bosom companionbureaucracy. Law and order were designed to maintain justice but dishonesty and favouritism have had ignited jealousy triggering hatred among masses. Hatred is a fire which does not cook food but burns empires. And all nations are practicing this, yet tend to pronounce "democracy".
Jealousy, not nobility breeds true !! Why not now, believe in International brotherhood?.
(Extracted from the unpublished book of the Author)
Professor Hit Kishore Goswami
Retired Professor of Genetics, Bhopal (MP) India
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