One of the complications associated with Type 2 diabetes is nerve pain, otherwise known as diabetic neuropathy.
This nerve pain can make you feel like you can't do very much in the way of exercise.
However, it's extremely important for people with Type 2 diabetes to exercise in order to keep their blood sugar levels down and stable.
In this article, I'm going to talk about a few tips for keeping your body moving while also experiencing diabetic nerve pain.
In one study, people who simply walked an hour a day at a brisk pace on a treadmill three times a week, actually slowed the progression of their nerve damage.
This shows you how important it is to make exercise an integral part of your daily life.
Of course, it's very important to speak with your doctor before starting any exercise program.
One great way to exercise is swimming, or how about water aerobics.
Basically, you are looking for an activity that is a low-impact exercise.
Because water offers your body great support, it is a lot less pressure on areas where you experience nerve pain.
You might also consider something like yoga or tai chi to help with relaxation and balance.
For anyone with diabetes, it's important to start out slowly so you don't become fearful about taking part in an exercise routine.
It will be a challenge at first, so start out with just 5 minutes a day...
beginning slowly.
Each day you can add a few minutes and then start to speed up your exercise program.
The American Diabetes Association recommends you exercise up to 30 minutes per day, five days a week.
It's also important to begin working on your balance as many diabetics do end up with balance issues.
You can do this by practicing getting up and down out of the chair three times in a row.
Use your arms to help keep you steady.
You also want to try balancing on one leg while you are doing different tasks such as washing the dishes, or putting in a load of laundry.
Try to hold your leg up for 30 seconds at a time and then switch to the other one.
You should also have your feet checked on a regular basis by your doctor.
Most nerve pain occurs in your feet, so it is really important to keep them monitored for any signs of cuts or other injuries.
People with diabetes are also prone to getting infections, so nerve pain can further complicate that since many diabetics cannot feel what's going on in their feet.
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