Americans would be surprised and shocked if they knew how the Russians speak among themselves about the USA. Even the online comments of big and respectable newspapers. A shocking hatred can be met, as well as an emotional defence of Americans. A well-known Russian journalist of TV, who has once interviewed also G.W.Bush, in his blog declares that: „The world has been deceived again. The world has gone crazy. Vanga (well-known prophetess) was true when she said that 44th president would be black and the last.” It causes a huge activity, a great amount ofextreme racist comments and it is one of the Top entries in the rating of the Russian Internet for three days.
But on the biggest Russian TV channel prime time commentaries Obama is compared with Gorbatchov and it can be understood that America might have the same destiny as the Soviet Union. About it – further in the blog.
At first I tried to translate some comments which I found in the online version of one of the biggest newspapers in Russia „Argumenty i Fakty”. This newspaper according to Wikipedia .... „1990 it had a print run of 33.5 million and was entered in Guinness World Records.” Current circulation is about 3 million copies, with about 7 million readers.
Here some quotations are translated but I warn you they can be rather aggressive and unpleasant. For example: „At first America shouldn’t have been provided with the virtual papers. They live at our expense and besides, are rude to us. It’s not enough that they live on our finances earned in hard work, they took Alaska away, made mischief among all countries, made us idiots and faked the medicine for a headache.”
At the same time you will be able to read emotionally defending comments, some might even know the biggest secret of Obama.
At the article „Medvedevs (the president of Russia): we will return to the question of currency” the following comment of the reader was pointed out.
- „Who is the president for us? Tell me, please, who is the president in Russia? Obama? Are we a kind of suff to the USA? Every time switching on the popular TV News programme I hear: „President Obama”, „Economics of the USA”, „Obmana said” (Obmana – it’s a play on words, changing Obama to Obmana in Russian it will be – lies), „ Obmana has praised somebody, has tapped somebody on the shoulder”, it could be supposed that all the other salivate when they are talked to....”
- „I completely agree with an ingenious remark about Obama – Obmana. Such a PR (for Obama) as if he would be the next (of Russia) president. P.S. In the news about 85% of information is not connected with a life of a normal Russian citizen.”
In the article „A terrible secret of Obama” the director of the Institute for the USA and Canadian Studies Sergei Rogov brings out to the readers: „The biggest secret which is carefully hidden by Obama – consequences of the increase of state’s expenses that will definitely result in a rapid growth of internal taxes of the USA because the other part of the world won’t provide this country with a flow of capital forever.”
Next to the article „Can we expect an eternal friendship between the USA and Russia?” such lines can be read:
- „ A relation – a landlord and a servant ... if it can be called „friendship”, then – yes ... They are rather „a wolf and a sheep”relations. America is looking forward to a lunch. Will gulp down and won’t choke.”
- „As I understand „king is made by his entourage”. Have you ever analysed the structure of B.H.Obama’s administration? What are your impressions? Let’s look at, for example, Hillary Clinton – she is just like a shark. I have a feeling that transoceanic players of thimbles (a simple cheat game) have decided to pretend to be chess players. Can we (Russians) win them in their territory with their rules?”
Next to the article „The proud greediness” Russians write about Americans’ greediness and ability to waste the money:
- „At first America shouldn’t have been provided with the virtual papers. They live at our expense and besides, are rude to us. It’s not enough that they live on our finances earned in hard work, they took Alaska away, made mischief among all countries, made us idiots and faked the medicine for a headache.”
- „There is nothing bad about greediness and consumption. Otherwise – go back to your caves, live in tribes or build communism. There will never be a social fairness, I do not want to share something with Chinese who have made my notebook just for pennies. You will see – America will get out of the crisis with minimum loss, we (Russians) have to learn from them.”
- „ Here, in Russia, we love fairy-tales – about the fact that everybody in America only „consumes” and they have used up so much that they do not want it any more. But the fact that most Americans have never been outside their state’s borders – is it a „superconsumtion”? A holiday only 10 days in a year – what can you say about it? Hotels for 400 USD a night ( a little room Avenue B, near the Time Square New York, an omelette from one egg 13USD – I saw by myself!) The crisis started when people couldn’t pay for their mortgage credits – it is a reason, not consequences as AiF writes. Americans live on credits because they can not do it on their salary – they can’t buy a house or a car.”
- „You really love tales, especially the storytellers themselves. The main tale is – when some photos of the homeless are taken (in America) and then it is declared that the country is full of them or eggs for 13 USD are seen somewhere and you think that they cost so much everywhere. Probably you saw not the right eggs in the mirror. Then it is too cheap.”
- „In other words Americans get ready to put out the fire with some petrol. It’s wise. The most important is that our „wisemen” do not follow their example.”
Next to the article „Obama. The first scandal” where Americans publicly had an argument with Iranians in UN meeting Russian readers express their opinion like:
- „Scrutinize Obama’s behaviour when he takes the floor. He doesn’t see the audience, his look can not be caught, he always speaks with a highly raised head, gesticulates with certainty. I am sure he would behave like that even if the hall was empty. He is like an oracle – betokens. He can’t be convinced, he in his role doesn’t hear anybody and anything. But the goals are the same – expansion, mopping up and state’s terrorism. I feel sick because he just prints and prints the bucks but the whole world gnaws each other’s neck for them. Nevertheless, we have everything – oil, grain and enough intelligent people but without their green money we stand .... in an interesting pose. Is it only blood and war that can wash in those cheats and convicts in the sea? How long are they going to jerk others with them and is there going to be anybody except Chinese and mumba-jumba tribe in the jungle? It’s rather terrible.”
- „We are such attaboys! We had to say long ago – NO!!! to the american imperialism. Disgusting european nation of trash and now Colombian Mafiosi have joined. Iran – attaboys! Everything should be arranged in 2009 so that fascists get........”
- „It is naive to think that with a new president the USA will change its policy of „poking its nose” into problems of others in the whole world. That all is similar to a product in a new packing with an expired date. Behind the back of this kind and dusky boy there are toothed sharks which have their own interest in everything what’s going on.(...) About location of the bases in other territories ... Funnily. Yankees just think that their home is everywhere. So no wonder about this offer!”
- „....Russians are just allowed to criticize and contaminate America .....the headline also is rather venomous – Barak Obama: The first scandal (finally, we got it, what a mercy). You are just expecting the collapse of America but that will be your unfulfilled dream. What will actually collapse – that you will see by yourselves rather soon.”
- „Americans better would remember their sins – 11th September, Guantanamo, Yugoslavia, Iraq, the support of the fascist country Israel..........It’s interesting what they would say if the official persons of Iran from the UN platform accused them of terrorism?
In the article about GM open letter to Americans a Russian woman living in the USA reproaches her compatriots for the hatred and emotionally defends Americans:
Anna /17.12.2008 03:48:
- „I can’t understand why Russia doesn’t love America so much? Has the spoon been knocked out of your mouth by American horseradish (horseradish – a rude Russian play on words)? Or the syndrome of the little brother? No total end for America as well as to Russia. I have never seen any insinuations about Americans’ hatred towards Russians but Russians only want to spit on America. Why? The motor industry of the USA asks for a loan to the government of the USA not just simply expends it. In the letter it is given that the loan could be paid back starting from 2011. Entirely reasonably. If we talk about the quality, then – yes, there were the mistakes. I have got two cars (Chevrolet and Pontiac) and Toyota-off-road. And thus – repairs and service of two American cars are twice as much cheaper than for one Japanese car. Failures might occur not more often than for other cars. It’s interesting what America has done to you? You probably won’t believe that the USA is quite friendly towards Russia and Russians and not because it is afraid but the level of American culture determines that in the world also other cultures, nations that differ from Americans and are equally reasonable with a rich culture can freely exist. Americans do not put themselves higher than others, as you might think, and do not bear ill will to Russia. Perhaps it’s time for you to learn the same attitude to the surrounding world.”
The newspaper „Argumenty i Fakty” is rather infuriated about the openly hostile Internet blog of the popular Russian TV journalist Vladimir Soloviev (has interviewed also G.W.Bush) – „44th president of the USA will be black and last” The newspaper proclaims that this blog has caused a big stir in the Russian Internet environment and has been even the one of the TOP entries for three days. The newspaper shortly quotes the basic idea of the journalist’s blog. Solovjov has promulgated such an entry:
- „To my mind, the choice of Baraka Obama as the president of the USA – a confirmation for the degradation of America’s political system and a result that was achieved by political correctness of this once so powerful state. In fact we all could observe the opposite process of the racist choice. If once a lynching of negroes (origin. - ??????, negrov) was supposed to be called a racism, then nowadays racism is choosing between the white and black by voting for the white.
What has he achieved in his life? What has he been able to do yet, what is he famous for? Nothing. What can he do? Nothing. What does he know? Nothing.
The world has been deceived again. The world has gone crazy. Vanga (well-known prophetess) was true when she said that 44th president would be black and the last. I’m sorry for America, a good country was but it fizzled out so fast.”
It all has provoked a big stir with a great amount of hostile racist comments. They are so disgustful that I kept off translating them. The journalist of a newspaper Sergej Roganov tells that he is surprised about the Russian bloggers’ ability to be so malevolent. Also other readers with their comments agree with him and criticize impoliteness and give honour to the USA. The readers write:
- „You have dreamt too much! The USA – a very stable structure and there are plenty of people who have something to lose. Unlike from „sovka”(post soviet inhabitant). Do you know that there are more millionaires of dollars in the USA than the total number of inhabitants in Europe – 12 millions. They do not want to emigrate to New Zealand and won’t give up. There are still the capital cities and the local Establishment, a professional and well-qualified corps of officers and policemen. Millions of car services, bakeries and owners of butcher’s shops! (not supermarkets – such are not built in villages), farmers – owners of the land. Such can be trounced only with a help of hydrogen bomb. But you just say – will collapse and disappear. If you wish – hope for it – in 5-6 years time your hope will have become smaller.”
- „Thanks to Sergei Roganov about „Runet” blog report that is based on common sense and not on hysteric emotions. Hostile comments can be explained by changing „kitchen democracy” into „Internet democracy’. If some time ago we came together in the kitchen and whispered heroically the truth ( it’s a phenomenon of the Soviet Union when you could talk openly only in the kitchen) then now we do the same on the keyboard „Made in Taiwan”. Otherwise, nothing has changed, Americans are the bad ones according to our definition but we have got so many anecdotic heroes that can loudly declare that the president of America is ... (there you can use your fancy as much you wish and can). A school (Russia) was ruined after a loud announcement about the readiness for the new school year – Americans must be blamed for that, people died trying a new submarine – Americans must be blamed for it, inflation in Russia
– Americans are guilty, etc. I would like to turn to the haters of the USA: be consistent in your words and deeds – give up the Internet, worked out by Americans, delete Windows, Word, Internet Explorer, knock together a block of Intel Pentium system. If you have dollars burn them. If you have got Ford, Chrysler, Chevrolet, GMC, Pontiac, etc. convey them to the garbage dump. Take a calculator „Elektronika”(archaic, heavy calculator of Soviet times), count how many goods there are at your home with a sign „made in Russia” and type it on a typewriter „Lubava” ( an old Soviet machine). Have a good luck!”
On the whole it seems that Anti-Americanism in Russia is the same range as during the Cold War and the regime of Putins has promoted it greatly.
Every evening the biggest Russian TV channel, controlled by the Kremlin, in the news prime time broadcasts comments of some Mikhail Leontiev. Watching them it seems that a propaganda boss of the Nazi Germany - Goebbels's smiles in his grave. Recently Leontev has compared Obama with Gorbatchov.
Also Gorbatchov has called people to a „new thinking” but how did it finish ... ?! Leontiev hints at the audience that after Gorbatcov the Soviet Union collapsed. He says: „A new thinking – remember how it everything started? Some thought – it was a joke. But how did it finish? A crisis – it is also in America. So to say, we, of course, don’t love Americans. But not so. Humanism is not strange to us at all.”
But it should be understood that Anti-Americanism is not characteristic only for Russia. It can be met widely in the whole world. Also in Europe. It seems that Americans do not completely realize how strong are its fundamentals. It’s naive to think that it appeared only during G.W.Bush time. Its fundamentals have been consistently built for at least hundred years. Most active - during the last fifty years. It is a fight where Americans regularly lose, it taints its reputation, economics and stability. It was exactly Anti-Americanism that gave a strong impulse for the terrorist organization of Bin Laden. More about the reasons of Anti-Americanism and its history will be in the next blog that will follow soon. It’s time for Americans to understand it and start doing something real.
Have a nice Day and be careful,
Paul Lasaro
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