But steroid use, and steroid distribution/selling are two different animals. But penalties for simple steroid possession and personal use have stiffened dramatically over the years. Under the new Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 2004, which applies across the country (as of January 20, 2005) both steroids and steroid pre-cursors, such as Androstenedione and other pro-hormones, are in the same legal class!! Can that be believed?? Bad news for those who have used steroid pre-cursers for years with great results. But sadly, in fact, they are now considered a "Schedule III" class drug in the legal system. That means that, in the eyes of the law, a steroid is now on the same par as barbiturates, LSD, veterinary tranquilizers like Ketamine and narcotic painkillers such as Vicodin.
And it gets better...
Did you know that simply possessing carries up to one year in prison and/or a fine of $1000 for a first offense? If you're thinking about steroid distribution (aka selling), it's punishable by up to five years in prison and/ or a $250K fine for a FIRST OFFENSE!! So, the guys you know who are still selling, and using, even after having done some time in the 90s, could go away for a long, long time. And that's no laughing matter.
So what happens if you do get arrested for one of these steroid-based offenses? Definitely hire an attorney who knows anabolic steroid cases and the law surrounding them. Experience and knowledge is key if you want to have a fighting chance of keeping your freedom. But it's also important in another way. Anabolic steroid cases are relatively unknown territory for law enforcement - both at the local and state levels, and prosecutors and judges aren't particularly educated about them either, so often may misapply sentencing guidelines. The propaganda surrounding steroid sale and use is also a big problem for an unbiased appearance in court. Many professionals in the legal system - who should know better - go from hearing the word "steroid" to the assumption that your next step is to go on a murderous rampage! (Okay, so that recently happened in bodybuilding, but that's another story...)
Safe to say, most people using an anabolic steroid today are actually NOT bodybuilders. They are regular people - young and old - who have chosen to take any number of steroids for cosmetic reasons, not as a means to cheat in sports. They are high school kids, both girls and boys, mothers trying to get back into shape, fathers who want a boost to their libido, twenty somethings who want to look better in the gym, and the list goes on and on. From professionals, to blue-collar workers, to out of work actors and famous celebrities preparing for their next role, you name it, there's someone taking a steroid that fits into one of these categories.
Regardless of who you are, however, these are the low-down steroid facts:
Steroid Possession - even if it's for personal use - without a prescription is NOT illegal
A pharmacist can only sell an Anabolic Steroid to someone with a doctor's prescription.
Supplying or selling a steroid to another person is against the law and Class C penalties apply.
The maximum penalty for supply of Class C drugs is up to 5 years in prison and/ or up to a $250K fine.
If you are convicted of selling any anabolic steroid again during a supervised release, you'll face up to 10 years in prison, and four more years of parole.
Using a steroid during a period of parole means you face an additional 6 years and a fine of up to $5000.
Use of a steroid in sports is prohibited - whether at the professional, amateur, and collegiate or high school levels. Suspension is assured and lifetime bans from a league or entire sport can apply.
If you have two or more convictions of even possession of an anabolic steroid, you can receive up to 3 years in prison and a minimum fine of $5000.
If you have any drug offense on record, you will have a difficult time leaving the country to go to some countries, such as Holland.
Keep in mind that laws surrounding steroid use change all the time, and vary state by state. However, federally, the laws are changing to make anabolic steroid arrests "uniformly federal" offenses. The gap between hand-slapping and prison time, however, has fast closed. These days, you are in definite trouble if you get caught with anything even remotely resembling a steroid. And you had better hope no one thinks your "big steroid cycle" is an omen that you have intent to sell. Quite frankly, because people in the legal system are surprisingly naive, misinformed, and have no real comprehension of the steroid dosage required to compete these days, it's easy to see why someone would be charged with intent to sell/ distribute based on possessing a large amount of drugs for the duration of a 16-20 week cycle.
Our advice? Be careful in the first place. Be choosy about suppliers, who you tell, and where you keep your steroid stash. It's probably smarter to have a few steroid stashes, rather than just one big one. That way, if you are caught with one, it will be much more minor and no one will misconstrue the amount you have on hand with any intention to sell - even if that wasn't your intention in the first place. When you mail a steroid, or have a steroid mailed to you, make sure to use another address, and don't put your own name on it. If the U.S. Postal Service delivers a package, don't immediately open it. It pays to be paranoid when it comes to the shipping of a steroid. Keep the package on a shelf for a week, and see if there is any suspicious surveillance activity around your place. Often, the USPS will open packages they suspect are drug related, and plant a device inside. When the package is opened they come running, along with police, because they have the guy who opened it! We say, take it out to a remote place, open it, and trade it off in someone else's car and go different directions if you suspect a device has been planted.
We also recommend that you have a legal strategy planned and ready to go. It may not be something you want to think about, but you need to be practiced and prepared in what it is you want to say, who it is you would call to defend you, and what you'll pay for it with. No one wants to walk around cynical or negative, expecting the worst, but let's face it, it could easily happen. Know where to go when it does! Find yourself a Steroid Buyer sanctuary.