Constipation is a major problem that effects to anyone irrespective of their age and sex.
Symptoms like irritability and lethargy are mainly observed during this period of time.
But most of the people suffering with constipation are also the victims of bloating.
Statistics say that nearly 80% of the people suffering from constipation are experiencing bloating.
Causes of constipation bloating Bloating mainly occurs to the restricted bowel movement.
Due to this the waste accumulated in the intestines release gases that make you feel bloated.
Sometimes it leads to intense pain in your abdominal part.
Mainly the pressure on the intestines lead to bloating.
You can also see slightly swollen tummy in some cases making you to loose your belt to feel comfortable.
Other reasons can also include Irritable Bowel Syndrome and lactose intolerance and improper digestion.
Improper digestion is mainly seen in adults and is believed that 20% of the adults are suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Treating constipation bloating As bloating is caused due to Irritable Bowel Syndrome and other reasons as mentioned above.
The vital step to reduce constipation bloating is taking fiber rich food.
Prune juice and apple juice also play an important role in this process as they are important in generating fluids in the body.
Regular exercise also helps a lot.
Regular exercise helps in quick digestion.
Magnesium citrate is another remedy that shows a quick effect of constipation and indirectly helps in treating constipation bloating.
If you feel any type of abdominal pain please contact your doctor because there may be some other reason behind your problems you are facing.
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