If you have been woken up time and time again by your partner or buddy because of the disturbance you have caused them because of your snoring, then it is definitely time you take on a proactive stand on how to stop the annoying "sleep habit.
" Snoring can be safely eliminated with a few proven tips and tricks, which will help you rid of the habit fast.
The below are stop snoring remedies you should try first: 1) The ball trick.
You can use any small ball such as tennis or ping-pong ball.
Try sleeping with the ball in your back.
Because of the discomfort of sleeping on the ball, you will be forced to sleep on your side.
This will remedy the snoring by preventing the tongue or respiratory muscles from obstructing the passage of air.
Be sure, however, to keep the ball firmly attached to your back else it will roll off.
2) Throat exercises.
Sometimes snoring can be caused by weakened throat or tongue muscles.
By exercising them, you can keep them toned and prevent them from collapsing when you sleep.
There are several exercises which are easy to perform.
One of this is pursing your lips and holding the position for thirty seconds.
You can also say each of the vowels out loud for three minutes.
Keep repeating such exercises during the day until it totals to thirty minutes.
3) If your snoring still has not changed in intensity with the application of the above methods, it is time to consult a specialist because the problem may be more serious than you think.
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