One of the most rewarding and wonderful eating experiences is that of a beautifully cooked steak, shared with friends, on a lovely day in the garden.
Steak is one of the easiest meats to get wrong.
Given the expense, it is such a waste when it turns out bad.
But if you just follow some simple guidelines, you should get the steak you want and at an affordable price.
You do not have to go for the most expensive steak, a cheaper cut grilled properly can taste just as good.
Ask your butcher, if you do not have a local one, then most of the super markets have in house butchers available to advise you, so make use of their expertise.
But go for a mid priced cut, often more tasty and they do not have to be more chewy.
The selection is a very important part so put a little effort into it and you will reap the rewards.
Now to the grilling.
Make sure your grill is super hot before you attempt to put your steak on it.
I am talking smoking hot here.
You should see blue coming up from your grill.
Then slap your steak on, keep the heat up very high for this bit, and sear it on both sides.
Searing, is when you seal the meat and lock all the juices inside.
You need to do this very quickly or the juices will escape.
So it only needs less than a minute a side on a burning hot grill.
That is it, the difficult part is now over, so grab a beer.
You can now leave your steak to cook gently over a lower heat, until it is the way you want it.