Health & Medical Acne

What If You Discovered That Everything You Knew About Acne Was A Lie?

When it comes to acne, we all know that it happens during our teen years, we all know that it's caused by things like to much oil and dead skin clogging our pores and we certainly know that acne doesn't have a single thing to do with our diets.

Well what if everything we knew was a lie? What if we were wasting our time by following crazy routines and treating our skin just so to avoid breakouts?

Before we get into all of that, you might be wondering just who the heck I am. Honestly, no one special. I'm a fairly average guy that works behind a desk all day, someone that loves Chinese food, and I'm someone that should go to the gym more often.

However I also dealt with acne for a good portion of my life. I got acne in my teen years like a lot of other people. For me it wasn't a big deal at all. I had maybe one or two pimples and I was always confident that I'd simply grow out of them.

However as I got older and older, my acne got worse and worse. By the time I was nearing my 24th birthday, I had cystic and nodular acne and I felt like it was destroying my life. It was all I could do to go to work or classes at night and I felt like everyone was just staring at my skin.

Throughout all of this, I tried just about every acne product under the sun. And in fact, retinols worked pretty well for me, but the incredibly itchy and sensitive skin was driving me insane! Plus my skin looked really dull and I still had some pimples on my skin.

It was around this time that I started looking more and more into non-chemical alternatives for my skin. Most chemical products gave me bad reactions and never really worked. As I explored this more and more, I began reading a ton about how acne doesn't have anything to do with our skin.

I naturally thought any conjecture about this was silly; obviously acne was a skin problem, right?

Well as it turns out, not so much. The more I read about internal healing to take care of acne, the more sense it started to make. For instance, we typically experience bad acne problems during adolescence because all of our raging hormones.

So why do we then focus on our skin? Why not try to address these problems to get rid of the acne?

Think about this: when we have to much insulin in our blood streams, our skin cells dry up and die off faster than they should. On top of this, excessive amounts of insulin also cause our sebum glands to produce to much oil. All this oil and dead skin get clogged in pores, leading to breakouts.

So why not take care of the insulin in the first places and be done with the problem once and for all?

This was an incredible mind opening experience for me. When it comes right down to it, if you're treating your acne by putting stuff on your skin, you are flat out doomed to failure. Acne has nothing to do with our skin and the only way to cure it for good is by addressing the real problems inside.

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