Do you you know what causes hemorrhoids? This article will help you understand most of them.
There are several factors that can cause the formation of hemorrhoids.
Bowel movements that are not normal, such as when you have constipation or loose bowel movement; no regular exercise, and inadequate intake of dietary fiber; increased stress in the abdomen that causes prolonged straining on defecation; pressure on the rectum brought about by pregnancy; hereditary, aging, and absence of valves in the veins of the rectum are just some of the reasons for hemorrhoid.
Other factors that can cause hemorrhoids are obesity, and also sitting in the toilet for long periods that both cause stress on the veins of the rectum, leading to hemorrhoids.
There are also pregnancy-related hemorrhoid causes where the fetus inside the womb exerts pressure on the rectum.
The hormonal changes are also triggering factors of causing the vessels on the hemorrhoids to swell.
Another factor that triggers hemorrhoids is increased intra-abdominal pressure during the actual delivery of the pregnant mother.
Hemorrhoids brought by pregnancy rarely need surgical management because these conditions naturally disappear when the baby is born.
Hemorrhoid causes are most probably associated with your diet and bowel movement routine, especially when you suffer from bowel straining.
These two reasons are connected.
When you eat foods that are processed and have low fiber, you increase the chances of constipation; and when you are constipated you are more likely to experience bowel straining in the toilet.
The Western diet is also a contributor to developing hemorrhoids as it contains a lot of processed foods and is low in fiber.
In African nations, problems concerning hemorrhoids are very rare since their diet includes adequate roughage and fiber.
However, when they began to alter their diet and began to incorporate processed food, cases of hemorrhoids increased.
The improvements in the design of the modern toilets encourage bowel straining.
Many people spend long periods comfortably sitting in the toilet adding stress on the direction of the vein in the anus.
Other hemorrhoid causes & triggering factors are age, family & hereditary factors, occurrences of loose bowel movement or diarrhea, and the frequent use of laxatives.
The stress on the rectum's veins, exerted by the fetus, in pregnant women is another factor.
In most conditions, hemorrhoids actually heal by themselves.
This is true for those who prevent the stress that causes anal veins to swell in cases of frequent diarrhea, constipation or constant bowel straining.
When you are able to prevent any of these, your hemorrhoids can be healed reasonably quickly.
In several cases, the weakened valves on the distended vein of the hemorrhoids increases the risk of potential swelling.
People generally say that after getting hemorrhoids, they experience a recurrence if they are not treated properly.