If we start listing out regular causes of anxiety then we will see that probably anything on earth can be the cause of anxiety.
We would not be able to single out one big cause that sets anxiety into our mind and we start thinking too much and we brood over one particular issue.
Yes it is an issue that tends to eat our brains alive! Whether it is examinations or your work station pressure or it could be any personal issue like a fight with your spouse which keeps getting blown out of proportions.
Yes we do not have a specific problem in our life, they keep coming and will plague you almost every day.
But we must not submit ourselves to that harsh sensation that stress put us through.
I mean the stressed out feeling! We feel stressed out probably every day after work.
So once you have digested your daily dosage of stress do not hit the bar and drink away to glory but rather you should either meet up with your spouse go on a date with her to have some good food and some wine (in moderation) if you feel so or you should do what you would love to do most like play a game of soccer or for that matter any sport or engagement like playing the guitar or sing loudly away to glory.
We remain stressed because we have attachments with certain things.
We emotionally attach ourselves to certain things but such thing makes us feel even weaker.
And weaker we get more susceptible we are to stress.
I have been to numerous stress busting workshops and believe me that most of them had the same thing to proclaim and teach to those who were attending them.
They all talk about stress busting through different activities engagements and freeing you from too much dependence.
Our stress does not depend on ourselves only.
It depends on others and the way they react.
So it is therefore upon us how we receive that reaction.
If we are equally into it and we react then more stress builds on us and we succumb to stress related fatigue.
We are subjected to the worst conditions when we undergo hypertension.
This is even fatal and is very dangerous for it is the root cause for excessive blood flow in the brain.
High blood pressure levels are caused due to this anxiety and the only cure is mental rehabilitation.
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