As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to term. It effects over 5 millions couple alone in the U. S. and many times more in the world. Because of unawareness of treatments, only 10% seeks help from professional specialist. In this article, we will discuss what is " heat" in traditional Chinese medicine in treating infertility
I. Definition
According to traditional Chinese medicine heat-pathogen prevails in summer and pertains certainly to Yang. It tends to move upward and outward, impairs the body qi and fluid and is often accompanied by damp-pathogen
II. How heat pathogen effects fertility
Expose yourself in heat may increase the risk of energy overflow as well as speed up your body function leading to infection, inflammation and abnormal bleeding. Patient is considered heat are diagnosis with over flow of energy, skin diseases, qi interruption or inability of the body's organs to discharge enough toxins.
1. Kidney function
Since kidney is a second line defence of the body, accumulating heat in the body not only causes lost of fluid but also increasing the risk of kidney stone and abnormal function of kidney, if it is not treated. According to traditional Chinese medicine, kidney plays an important role in men and women reproductive function, deficiency of kidney yin, increasing the risk of sperm production and quality of sperm in men and distorting the normal menstrual cycle in women.
2. Liver function
Liver plays a vital role in regulating the production of certain hormone in the prostaglandins family, fire liver as abundant yang qi causes abnormal function of liver and wakes up the liver diseases leading to menstrual pain and cramps for women, distorting the menstrual hormone production and decreasing the chance of infertility. In men, it may cause abnormal ejaculation and sperm count.
Abnormal liver function also causes abnormal function of spleen, the vital organ for the reproductive system which plays an important role for conception.
3. Blood flow
Heat pathogen interferes with blood circulation in the body, most people with heat pathogen have symptoms of high blood pressure. Since it increases the blood flow uncontrollably, it causes not only nervous tension that can disturb women menstrual cycle, but also increases the risk of abdominal swelling and breaking off of the small vein leading to vagina abnormal bleeding in women. In men, it causes low sperm count.
4. Immune system
Since heat pathogen increases the heat in the body which causes lack of the yin and out flow of energy, leading to weakened immune system resulting in increasing the risk of infection and inflammation that cause accumulation of free radicals and irregular cells growth, thereby increasing the risk of infertility.
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