Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Do Polishes and Creams Help to Stop Biting Fingernails?

Do Nail Polishes Help To Stop Biting Nails? In the long run I would have to say that no, polishes and smelly nail creams do not work effectively to help you to stop biting your nails.
However I do believe that they have their time and place and that they can, and should be used sparingly to help you stop biting nails.
How do Polishes and Creams help to end your nail biting? If you are new to this, or just researching, bad tasting nail polishes, or polishes that are meant to strengthen your nails work only as a stopgap because they do not address the underlying reasons that you bite your nails in the first place.
They are the same as duct taping that hole in your roof, they will work in the short run, but unless you find the reason for that hole, and patch it up properly, it won't last in the long run.
Nail biting is caused by a psychological need to transfer your pain, or anxiety into something that you can control, namely your fingernails.
If you ever watch people who are nail biters, no matter how much bad tasting polish, or nail hardening polish they use, they still inevitably put their fingers in their mouths, they are hardwired to do it because it has become one of those things that you do everyday all day.
I do however, recommend that people at least try the polishes that are meant to help you stop biting your nails because at the very least it can provide one or two days of temporary relief and the bad taste that does get left in your mouth does act as a reminder of how gross it is.
If you really want to address your nail biting problem and stop biting nails for good then I recommend that you read about a system called the Stop Nail Biting Secrets.
This is the same method that Tony Robins, the inspirational speaker used himself over twenty years ago to cure his nail biting habit.

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