Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Ways to Prevent Premature Ejaculation - Your Ultimate Guide

Are you one of those diffident men who are having a problem called premature ejaculation? It is not surprising that a lot of men with this condition do not usually go to clinics to seek medical counsel, as it is an issue that is associated with their masculinity.
However, this can be your ultimate guide.
In this article I'm going to show you several ways to prevent premature ejaculation.
No more alcohol and drugs.
Contrary to traditional preparations for sexual trysts, drinking alcohol and drugs will not help.
Since these substances contain depressants and other chemicals that may alter your nervous function, it will just interfere with your focus on prolonging your orgasm.
Kegel's Exercise.
This is a common practice in which you are toning your perianal muscles.
this can be done by holding off your urine or simply by twitching your penis whenever it is erect.
This gives you an additional chance to be able to control yourself without being able to ejaculate.
Start-and-Stop Routine.
This technique is used when you want to prolong your intimate sessions with your partner.
Whenever you feel that you are about to come, try to stop until the orgasmic sensation wears off, then continue again.
Relaxation technique.
A warm bath, watching a soap, listening to music, and the likes.
Being relaxed is advised before starting it with your partner.
"Squeeze" it.
Have your partner squeeze your penis when you feel that you are going to ejaculate.
Do so until the tingling feeling wears off.
This way, you can prolong your intimate sessions.

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