Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Ear Infections and How to Treat Them With Homeopathy

Ear infections are common in small children.
This is because babies aren't born with an immune system.
They have to make their own.
From scratch.
So the more ailments a child has, and can recover from unaided, the healthier they will be as adults.
It's common today to seek treatment for every little malady.
This has the effect of knocking your immune system each time you take suppressive drugs.
It's better to see if you can manage the problem yourself.
Take time off work.
Go to bed.
See if you can manage.
The conditions when you really can't manage to see it through are those ear infections that are painful.
The more painful it is, the less likely you will be able to manage on your own.
I remember as a child, having such an exquisitely painful ear infection, I woke up screaming.
I couldn't be pacified.
Even though we were on holiday in a remote village, my parents had to take me to a doctor.
He knocked me out with an anaesthetic.
That meant the rest of the household could get some sleep, even if it didn't do my immune system much good.
I was a typical example of when the homeopathic medicine Hepar sulph would have been the best treatment.
The pain is just so bad, the child shrieks and can't be comforted.
It comes in every good homeopathic home prescribing kit and should accompany every parent.
Imagine a rerun of the scene of my ear infection.
Instead of having to first locate a doctor, then to drive miles to reach him.
Not to mention the upheaval of waking the other family members to cart them along, for safety reasons.
Just opening the kit, locating the medicine and popping one dose into my mouth.
Maybe another a few minutes later.
Treating ear infections at the very start, with a treatment that will boost the immune system, seems to me the most sensible option.

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