If you're familiar with climaxing too soon after you start to make love I don't want you to worry about it.
Lots of men have this problem and it can be solved I have outlined below some tips that can help 1) Getting used to it The problem for most men is that the main event i.
making love, is quite different from pleasuring yourself while alone.
The sensation of being inside a woman is just so markedly different that we get so excited it's hard to keep a lid on it.
If you experience this problem talk to your partner and just practise being inside her until it's not such a big deal anymore.
This will take the edge off things and slow you down.
2) Talk together This point follows on from the first idea really in that communication is one of the biggest keys to this problem.
For a start it takes the edge off the situation and it also sets up a situation where you can practise exercises like the one mentioned above that can help you last longer.
3) Get back to your body One of the problems with men who suffer with premature ejaculation is that the mind can become overrun with sexual imagery so quickly that they can become overwhelmed and finish too soon.
One way around this is to focus your attention more on the body and this can take the attention away from what's going on in your head, slow you down and let you last longer.
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