Law & Legal & Attorney Criminal Law & procedure

Find the Best Advocaat (Advocate) in Antwerpen

I doubt if there would be anyone who would not love to lead a peaceful life which is free from any turmoil and chaos or any sought of trouble. No one likes to land up in any issue that may put them into difficult situation or engulf in legal complications. People prefer to stay away from any matters or problems rather than confronting any legal episodes. In order to achieve this, they live as per the rules and regulations set by the country's law and prefer to strictly abide by it. The ruling government of any country also ensures that the citizens live in harmony and do not indulge in any activities that may bring them in trouble or create any disruptions the functioning of the country.

It would have been a perfect place to live in this world if one would have followed the laid decorum and had never violated any rules. But probably this is not what is destined. Knowingly or unknowingly, people tend to breach the limits and find themselves in the clutches of law. This may or may not be a deliberate attempt; however getting one released from the hammer of law is not as easy as one would commit an offence. It requires professional help and expertise of an advocate to seek relief from any legal complications. The advocate is the only personnel who is eligible to handle the cases in the court of the law. One requires possessing a suitable degree or what is termed as a title or license to help civilians manage their legal grievances in the court.

Lawyer Dave Danckaerts is a well known advocaat in Antwerpen who has been practicing since his completion of Education in the field of law. In the year 2007, he graduated with an Honors Degree from University of Antwerpen specializing in the Faculty of Law. He has done an extensive study in the field of standard contracts in the energy sector (Luminus, Electrabel), the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and Domain Name Squatting (URL-grabbing). He also holds a certificate in General and Strategic Management.

After his internship where he was majorly into handling family problems, rental disputes, and debt related issues and civil matters, he joined the most reputed and largest law firm in Antwerpen. This opportunity was the turning point in his careers where as a permanent counsel of the Flemish Government he started building his expertise in liability Insurance and Criminal matters. There was no look back for him from this point. His expertise and knowledge grew day by day to empower him to be able to handle varied problems that a branch of law can handle. He underwent a special training in Evaluation of Human Damage from University of Antwerp.

Lawyer Dave Danckaerts undertakes cases in many stream of law. Mentioned below are his service areas:

1. Traffic Law
2. Liability and Insurance
3. Legal Agreements
4. Rent Disputes
5. Resolving Payment Difficulties
6. Helping the Start Up business owners, Entrepreneurs and SME's with legal advises
7. Criminal Law
8. Gas Fines
9. Family Disputes

He advises on the critical areas in matter related to above and helps his clients get a solution. As a lawyer, Dave Danckaerts has handled many cases in the jurisdiction of the court of Antwerpen and known for his professional and expert skills in helping people fight their legal cases. He makes himself available to assist you in the most efficient manner to relieve you of your issues.

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