Abnormal Menstrual Bleeding Disorders
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
Fibroid Uterus and
The Term should be restricted to those patient's in whom the normal vaginal secretions are increased in amount and the discharge is microscopically and macroscopically non purulent. InAyurveda, is compared to "Swetha Pradaram", which is not considered as an independent disease but a symptom occurring in several diseases produced due to vitiation of Kapha dosha and Dhatu of Reproductive System.
Abnormal Menstrual Bleeding Disorders includes:
- Menorrhagia or Hypermenorrhoea or Atyarthava: A cyclic bleeding at normal intervals but the bleeding is either excessive in amount or duration or both.
- Epimenorrhoea or Polymenorrhoea: A cyclic bleeding where the cycle is reduced to an arbitrary limit of 21 days or less and remains constant at that frequency.
- Metrorrhagia: It is irregular, acyclic bleeding or Contact bleeding or Intermenstrual bleeding from the Uterus or from any part of the Genital Tract.
- Menometrorrhagia: Irregular bleeding and is so excessive that the menses cannot be identified at all.
- Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (DUB): Abnormal Uterine bleeding without any clinically detectable organic Pelvic Pathology like Tumours, Inflammation or Pregnancy. Abnormal bleeding in Frequency, Amount or Duration or Combination of any three.
In Ayurveda, all types of Irregular and Excessive bleeding during Menstrual Cycle (ATYARTAVA) are compared to "ASRIGDHARAM" or "PRADARAM". Abhyanga(Oleation),Nasyam(Nasal Efflusion),Uttara Vasthi(Medicated Enemas through Vaginal Route) are administered during the period of Menstrual Flow along with Researched Internal Medicines, Diet Modifications and Life Style Corrections.
Means Absence of Menstruation. It is a symptom, not a disease. It is 2 types:
- Physiological: Before Puberty and during Pregnancy, during Lactation following Menopause.
- Pathological:InAyurveda, it is described as "NASHTARTHAVA" or "ANARTHAVA". In this, arthava is not totally ceased however it is not visible outside due to Obstruction of Arthavaha Srotas (Closure of Orifice of Microcirculating Channels).
Management of "Nashtarthava" is bySnehana(Oleation),Swedana (Suddation),Uttara Vasthi(Medicated Enemas through Vaginal Route) and Pichu Dharana (Suppository) along with Researched Internal Medicines, Diet Modifications and Life Style Corrections.
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID):
The Clinical Features are:
- Bilateral Lower Abdominal and Pelvic Region Pain.
- Fever, Lassitude and Headache.
- Irregular and Excessive Vaginal Bleeding.
- Abnormal Vaginal Discharge which is Purulent and Copious.
- Nausea and Vomiting
- Dyspareunia (Pain during Coitus).
According to Ayurveda, PID is compared to"PITTAJA ASRUGDHARAM". Management is bySnehana(Oleation) with Pitta dosha Supressing drugs,Swedana (Suddation),Virechana (Purgation),Uttara Vasthi(Medicated Enemas through Vaginal Route) and Pichu Dharana (Suppository) along with Researched Internal Medicines, Diet Modifications and Life Style Corrections.
Fibroid Uterus:
Majority of Fibroids are asymptomatic and are accidentally diagnosed during routine examination. It may present with the following Clinical Features:
- Menstrual A bnormalities eg: Menorrhagia, Metrorrhagia, Dysmenorrhoea.
- Infertility.
- Pregnancy related Problems like Abortion, Preterm Labour, IUGD.
- Pain in Lower Abdomen.
- Abdominal Swelling (Lumps)IN Lower Abdomen etc.
Management is by Sodhana Therapies (PANCHAKARMA), Sequential use of proper Abhyangam (Oleation), Swedam (Suddation), Vamana (Emetics), Virechana (Purgation), Vasthi (Enemas) and Nasya Karma (Nasal Effusion) are Useful along with Shamana Therapies (Researched Internal Medicines), Diet Modifications and Life Style Corrections.
It is qualitative reduction of circulating R.B.C's and / or Percentage of Haemoglobin concentration in relation to standard Age and Sex.
Symptoms of Anaemia are:
- Fatigue and Lassitude.
- Giddiness, Vertigo, Dimness of Vision, Headache, Sleeplessness, Tingling Sensation.
- Indigestion, Diarrhoea, Anorexia, Breathlessness etc.
Signs of Anaemia are:
- Pallor and Pitting Oedema.
- Enlarged Liver and Spleen.
Management of "Pandu", as Compared in Ayurveda is by Sodhana Therapies (PANCHAKARMA), Sequential use of proper Abhyangam (Oleation), Swedam (Suddation), Vamana (Emetics), Virechana (Purgation), Vasthi (Enemas) and Nasya Karma (Nasal Effusion) are Useful along with Shamana Therapies (Researched Internal Medicines), Diet Modifications and Life Style Corrections.
Awareness, Education, Personal and Social Hygiene, Balanced Diets and Increasing Immunity are important to keep away these Problems. The Codes and Conducts described in Ayurveda in terms of Svastha Vritha, Dinacharya, Ratricharya, Ritucharya are to be followed to keep oneself Fit Physically and Mentally Thereby prevent various Ailments.
We give the Best Treatments for "Gynaec Problems" with High Success Rates at Dr. Kranthi's Institute of Ayurvedic Sciences & Research, The Kerala Ayurvedic Care, Speciality Panchakarma Centre, 3-6-101/1, St No: 19, Basheerbagh, Hyd-29. Contact Dr Kranthi R Vardhan on 9246166636 for Appointments, Evaluation and Treatments. Visit us at www.ayursages.com or write to us at info@ayursages.com.