Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Chinese Fertility Calendar - What the Chinese Calendar Means For You

If you've been trying to get pregnant, you've undoubtedly heard about the Chinese fertility calendar, sometimes called the Chinese birth calendar.
The legend goes that it was found in a cave in China and that it's able to predict the gender of your baby.
How does it work? It's a chart that lists the mother's age at the time with conception on vertically and the month of conception horizontally.
You match up how old you were when you conceived and the month that you conceived and you can supposedly determine your baby's gender.
At first thought, you may think that it can't be true because not all babies born in the same month are the same gender.
But you have to remember that it doesn't only depend on the month of conception--it also has to deal with the mother's age.
A woman who conceived in February when she was 25 may have a girl, but a 33 year old woman who conceived in the same month might have a boy.
Those that follow the Chinese fertility calendar state that it has a ridiculously high success rate--well over 90 percent.
Others who have looked at it have reported that their results were not accurate.
Still, there are two ways that you might use the Chinese birth chart.
First, if you are already pregnant, you can use the chart to try to guess the gender of your baby.
Remember that it's just a guess--you won't really know until baby shows the goods on an ultrasound.
You can also use the calendar to try to plan the gender of your baby--by only having sex on the months that the calendar states you'll conceive the gender that you want.
Though it may not really work, it makes trying to conceive even more fun--if that's even possible.

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