If you're considering investing in a new laptop or cell phone, do your homework first. In some instances, it may be a wise decision to finance your purchase. At other times, paying cash is best. Learn the ins and outs of financing products such as laptops and mobile phones below.
Laptops or Cell Phones for Personal Use
If you're planning to buy a laptop or cell phone for personal use, you'll probably want all the latest features at the lowest cost. A mobile phone will typically be priced anywhere from $300 to $4,500, depending on its features, style, brand name, etc. A laptop computer is usually priced according to the amount of memory or disc space available, key features, pre-installed programs and the brand name. Laptops are priced anywhere from $1,000 to $10,000.
If purchasing a mobile phone or laptop that's on the high end of the price scale, you're looking at a fairly large investment. You may not have the cash on-hand at the date of purchase. When buying a notebook computer for personal use, consider the total purchase price, the interest rates that are available at your lending institution, and the number of years you will finance. Laptops can decrease in value quickly because computers are always changing - there's always a new feature or type of computer on the market. In reality, your notebook computer could become obsolete within a year or two!
The same is true for cell phones. They tend to become obsolete quickly as well. On the other hand, paying a little more for a cell phone you know will enjoy for many years to come may be worth financing a higher amount.
For personal use, it is recommended to finance your mobile phone or laptop only if necessary, and at the lowest interest rate possible. You may be able to take advantage of a personal loan at your local bank or credit union. Finance companies tend to be much higher in interest. If you must pay high interest, be sure to lessen your finance payment period. You'll pay much less interest by financing for two years instead of three.
Laptops or Cell Phones for Business Use
When buying products for business, financing can be a good thing. Sometimes, paying $5,000 cash is possible, but not wise. If you have $5,000 on-hand, you could use part of it as a down payment for your notebook computer or mobile phone. The remainder can be used to do more promotions for your business, thus, increasing your profits. Also, the finance charges and depreciation value of the laptop may be a helpful tax write-off at the year's end! So by financing, you may be able to increase business profits, buy your much-needed equipment, and save on taxes!
Before financing products such as laptops or mobile phones, speak with your accountant to find out if it's the right decision for you. The time of year, cost, interest rate and other factors will ultimately determine if financing will benefit or hurt your business.
Products like mobile phones and laptop computers are very useful for individuals and businesses. Consider the tips above before buying a laptop or cell phone to make your investment worthwhile!
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