If you're looking for ways to increase penis size, you have several options.
There is always surgery, but it can be dangerous and is not always effective.
However, there are several natural options, including supplements, exercises, extenders, that have been shown to produce results.
One easy and free way to enlarge the penis is penis exercises.
These can be very effective, producing a gain in size of 1? to 2 inches.
However, they must be done correctly in order to get these results.
Basically, the penis has to stay at a semi-erect state during the exercise, or the exercise will not work.
But if you can manage to do that, the results can be amazing.
Another way to get bigger is to use an extender.
These work slowly over the course of two to three months, but they have been shown to get you a few inches.
However, they do take time to work.
You need to wear one for six to eight hours a day for two to three months.
If you try to do it too fast, then you risk damaging the penis.
A third way to gain inches is through the use of supplements.
There are several herbs that, when taken together, can give you incredible results.
Some of these are horny goat weed and gingko biloba, which increase blood flow to the genitals, and saw palmetto, which increases sexual desire.
Generally, you see results within a few weeks of taking a supplement, but you get the maximum results by taking them over the course of six months.
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