Updated July 31, 2015.
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What you'll learn in this lesson:
- Why you should track ovulation, even if you have sex frequently
- Three popular methods of ovulation detection
- How and why to keep a fertility calendar
Why You Should Track Ovulation with a Fertility Calendar
I mentioned yesterday that having sex frequently is better than only aiming for ovulation.
For even better results, I suggested that you have frequent sex and also aim for your most fertile days.
If you're not "putting all your eggs into one basket" (no pun intended!), why bother keeping a fertility calendar? Good reasons include having something to show the doctor if your baby making efforts take too long and making sure you're having sex as often as you think you are. Read more about keeping a fertility calendar here, and learn about free fertility calendars online here.
Tracking Your Body Basal Temperature
So let's say you have decided to track ovulation. You have so many options! One of the more popular options is tracking your body basal temperature. Your body basal temperature is the temperature of your body at rest. When you ovulate, the hormone progesterone raises your body basal temperature slightly. Tracking the changes in your body basal temperature (BBT) can help you pinpoint ovulation.
More on getting started with BBT chart:
Checking Cervical Fluids to Detect Ovulation
What is cervical mucus? The cervix produces mucus to help protect the entrance to your uterus and, at ovulation time, help transport and nourish sperm. As ovulation approaches, the cervical secretions become more mucus like, abundant, and begin to look like raw egg whites.
This also leads to a feeling of wetness, which can increase sexual arousal. (Our bodies actually turn on us on, so to speak, so we have sex to conceive at the right time. Very cool!)
More on checking cervical mucus:
- How to Check for Fertile Cervical Mucus
- What Is Egg White Cervical Mucus?
- How Does Cervical Mucus Change Throughout My Cycle?
Ovulation Predictor Kits for Ovulation Detection
Ovulation predictor kits can help you detect ovulation without temperature taking or mucus checking (a relief to some, I'm sure!) They work a lot like pregnancy tests, in that you pee on a stick for results. Reading the results is different, though. Unlike a pregnancy test, which you take just once, with an ovulation predictor kit you use several sticks in one cycle.
Read more about ovulation predictor kits here.
Which Method Is Best for You?
Should you chart your temperature? Track cervical mucus? Use ovulation predictor kits? Or maybe should you try other methods, like using a saliva ferning microscope or checking cervical position? This article explains each method briefly, listing the pros and cons to each. You can decide then what fits your personality and lifestyle best.
Ovulation Symptom Quiz
I've designed an ovulation symptoms quiz that you can use to help evaluate your ovulation symptoms. While the symptoms listed can help you figure out if you're ovulating, the quiz is mostly for fun, and it should not be considered a diagnostic tool.
Wondering if ovulation is approaching for you? Take the quiz now!
Homework for Today's Lesson:
Part One: Which ovulation detection method is best for you? Research the articles provided in this lesson to get a better idea of your ovulation detection options. Try not to get too overwhelmed or obsessed with finding the perfect way, or doing them all. Share which ovulation detection method you've chosen, and why, with other readers here, and check out what others have to say.
Part Two: Start your fertility calendar! Either sign up for a free online BBT calendar tracking program, or take out your datebook and start tracking your cycles.
Already an expert fertility charter? Share your tips with readers here.
Recommended Articles in Today's Lesson:
- Before You Buy a BBT Thermometer
- How to Take Your BBT
- How to Chart Your BBT
- How to Check for Fertile Cervical Mucus
- What Is Egg White Cervical Mucus?
- How Does Cervical Mucus Change Throughout My Cycle?
- Ovulation Predictor Kit for Getting Pregnant
- Ovulation Symptom Quiz
- Ovulation Calculator
- How and Why to Keep a Fertility Calendar
Peek ahead at tomorrow's lesson: Learn why cervical mucus isn't just for detecting ovulation, what lubricants you should never use, and what you can safely use instead.
Course Quick Links: Email Sign Up Page | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6
More on how to get pregnant:
- A Complete Guide to Baby Making Sex
- How to Get Pregnant: For Beginners
- How to Have a Baby When You've Been Trying for Awhile
- How to Get Pregnant Faster
- How to Cope When Trying to Conceive Overwhelms You
- Take a Fertility Quiz
Would you like to receive trying to conceive tips and fertility information every week? Sign up for a free fertility newsletter here.