Health & Medical Eye Health & Optical & Vision

How to Use Your Eyes While Doing Close Work

In our society doing close work is unavoidable.
Close work activities include reading, writing, knitting and even using a computer.
This kind of activity is hard on your eyes.
Prolonged close work activity might result in near-point stress and that leads to deterioration of vision.
What can be done to avoid this prospect? Are there certain ways to use the eyes? Here are some tips and techniques that will help you to read or use the computer for long periods of time without hurting your vision.
By shifting I mean to move your eyes constantly from one point of the object to another and not to stare at one point.
During shifting notice that the object is moving in the direction opposite to your glance.
Central fixation.
Notice the part of the object that you look directly at is seen best.
Do not try and see the whole object at once, rather travel with your eyes all across it.
When reading let you glance glide between the lines and imagine the white space between the lines whiter than it is.
That helps to sharpen the contrast between black letter and the white space and helps to see the text better.
When you write follow the tip of the pen with your glance.
Do not look at the stuff that you've already written as it might lock your eyes and cause staring Using the computer.
Every 10 minutes, or even more often if you can, glance around the room.
For example, look at a painting on the opposite wall or look through the window at some distant tree.
That is extremely beneficial for the eyes.
Implement these tips in your daily close work activity: Take a break every hour or so.
Every 3-5 minutes get away from the computer and do something else, preferably do some exercises, look through the window.
Or, if you can, go for a short stroll.
If you have to think over a certain problem, do not do it while staring at the computer or at the book.
Close your eyes and then ponder over your problem.
The idea here is to involve your eyes in distant vision as much as possible to counteract the dangers of near-point stress.

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