Health & Medical Children & Kid Health

How Sign Language For Babies Can Aid Your Child's Development

They say that teaching baby sign language to your baby is one of the best gifts that you can ever give to your baby. There are several true things that make them say this. For example by teaching your baby how to sign you are actually helping him in communicating his desires. This way you are actually relieving his frustrations that he might have by being unable to communicate effectively. Similarly, it is now a proven fact that those kids who were taught sign language for babies in their early childhood have an IQ score better than the non-signers. This way you are giving some special gifts to your baby by teaching him how to sign.

The Role of teaching baby signs on the mental development of the baby:

Learning a language is a purely mental activity. There are certain areas in our brain that are closely associated with the speaking and listening. The speech area of the brain, commonly known as Wernick's Area in medical terms, is the sole contributor to the understanding of the language. If you are teaching your baby how to communicate you are actually stimulating this part of the brain. By constant stimulation the development of this Wernick's Area is optimized and the language learning abilities of your baby are increased several fold.

The effects on the brain

The effects of teaching baby sign language on other parts of the brain are also well reported in different scientific studies. These studies show that the forebrain, which plays an important part in cognitive abilities, also shows better development in the signing baby's. This is why the signing babies have an IQ score higher than the non-signers. The changes brought about in the structure and function of the brain during earlier development are said to be long lasting. The differences in the IQ scores have been noticed even among kids in their early teens.

Role of teaching sign language for babies on the verbal abilities of the child:

As stated earlier teaching baby sign language helps in making baby learn how to speak earlier in his life. Moreover, the vocabulary of the signing babies is several folds better than those kids who were not taught to signs. The signing babies make longer sentences earlier in life and are able to deliver their messages more effectively. Teaching baby sign language is a very healthy activity that is why many parents from all around the world are willing to teaching their baby how to sign.

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