Health & Medical Health News & Knowledge

Treating Yeast Infection

A Yeast Infection is a condition caused by an overgrowth of a species of Yeast called Candida Albicans. It can be extremely distressing and have many unpleasant symptoms. Also known as Candida, it is quite common with up to 75% of women expected to suffer at some point. It is also, sadly, a recurring condition. To Cure Yeast Infection is not simple as it has many causes.A Yeast Infection is a complex environmental condition. It must urgently be treated, as if left it can be serious. Candida can go from a non pathogenic state to a pathogenic state and then produce root like structures called Rhizoids that may penetrate the intestinal walls causing damage. Yeast, toxic waste, bacteria and undigested food may then enter the bloodstream. Causing conditions such as severe rashes, painful and inflamed joints, leaky gut syndrome,brain fog and sinus problems. When the condition becomes systemic, it can penetrate every organ it settles in, such as the lungs, mouth, lymphatic system, mouth, urinary tract and even the toenails. Candida Yeast produces, as a waste product, over seventy five toxic substances that may poison the body. Two are Canditoxin and Ethanol. These have a negative effect on our brain and can interfere with the bodies biochemical processes. As a result problems such as itching skin, rashes, bloating, digestive disorders, arthritis, joint pain, thrush, restlessness and lack of energy and food allergies are just some possible outcomes.Candida is your body telling you something is not right! It is important to listen to what your body is telling you and to work with it and not further destroy it's natural balance.Many people attempt to Cure Yeast Infection by buying over the counter remedies and creams. These may stop the intense itch but won't do much, if anything to treat the many original causes. Hence, when the treatment is stopped, the Candida returns with a vengeance. As there is no one cause, there is no one cure.It is also possible to further disrupt the bodies natural balance by attempting to kill the Candida Albicans with Antibiotics, for instance. This will kill the bad bacteria but also kill the good, allowing the Yeast Infection to return.No, the answer has to be to neutralise the environment that caused the Yeast to overgrow in the first place. There cannot be simply one answer, there has to be a multi pronged one as there are so many causes. Neither can the condition be cured externally. It started internally and that is where the cure must start.The best approach is to follow a step by step Holistic Plan. A Natural approach. One where all aspects of the Yeast Infection are looked at and addressed. This includes Diet, Exercise, Herbal preparations, the Acid/Alkali balance, Pro and Prebiotics among many.Of course, an added benefit of following such a plan is that as well as being able to Cure Yeast Infection permanently you will also feel much healthier and full of vitality. Better than before the Candida probably!

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