All adults to a certain degree will experience degenerative disc disease. The question is to what degree does this process occur? Some will experience few if any physical effects from the process. However, others will be quite troubled by it.
What are the discs and what is their function?
Located between the vertebrae of the spinal column these discs function as shock absorbers. Their material is pliable and soft while the vertebrae are hard and bony structures.
On occasion, these discs can move out of place, interfere with nerves in the area and themselves become damaged. A change in the functional unit of disc, vertebrae and nerves (including the spinal cord) can lead to back pain, decreased range of motion and further damage such as, a tear of the disc.
But what causes the damage in the first place?
Sometimes an abrupt event like an injury or accident can start the downward trend in the overall health of the discs. Other times a bone spur might be the culprit. There are still situations when no one incident has set this trend in motion, but the aging process is to blame. Further complications from damaged discs include osteoarthritis, radiculopathy or nerve root pain which may result in tingling, burning and numbing sensations.
As frightening as these consequences may seem, doctors are often able to help patients regain their health. There are several options and the best choice depends on the nature of the damage to the discs, related processes like arthritis and severity of the pain. Typically, doctors will try to address the issues with the least amount of invasion and medications.
Therefore, if the patient is overweight the doctor will offer counsel about the importance of losing weight. The doctor will also likely advise the patient about strengthening the abdominal core muscles, so that posture is supported and back pain diminished. If after accomplishing these goals the back pain remains an issue, then more aggressive treatment may be warranted, such as IDET (intradiscal electrothermal annuloplasty) or fusion surgery.
The ideal scenario is to avoid the surgery; however, it is difficult to know where to begin. Seeking the counsel and support of one's physician is essential, because they will know the specific strengths and limitations of the patient. A physician may also give wise counsel in the decision making process of choosing the appropriate program.
Tony Horton's 10 Minute Trainer program might be a wise choice in strengthening the back muscles. This program is a very comprehensive, yet well balanced plan for working out and making healthy nutrition choices.
As previously discussed, a strong abdominal core is essential for good posture and warding off back pain. Horton's plan includes a workout that focuses specifically on abdominal fitness (Abs DVD). All it takes is ten minutes and the will to succeed. To encourage better flexibility, Tony Horton's yoga workout would be an ideal choice. Aerobic activity, as well as strength training complete the exercise system and yields a balanced yet focused approach to achieving better overall fitness and less back pain; both desired outcomes with degenerative disc disease.