There's no reason why any women should suffer from recurrent yeast infections if they have a clean bill of health. The human body is more than capable of preventing fungal infections, and if your infections have become persistent then you need to make a few changes in your life, and you'll soon be cured.
One change you can make is the way you're treating your infections. It must have become obvious that the way you're treating them at the moment is not working. You can't just keep on using anti fungal drugs, and then expect a different result to the one you had before. If these drugs are not curing your infection then they can only be making it worse.
Because of the exposure you're giving the yeast and fungus in your body to these drugs, they are continually adapting to the environment. This means that they will continually mutate into a stronger strain so that they eventually become resistant to the treatment you're using. So in effect, you're making your infection worse if the anti fungal drug you're using is not curing your infection.
What some sufferers do when the treatment they are using is not working is start using it with another one that they've used before that didn't work either. They think that the two of them together is going to make a super drug that will cure their infection. If you've used two anti fungal drugs and they had no effect, then if you use them together they will still have no effect. All that will happen is you're going to waste even more money, and make your infection more aggressive in a shorter amount of time.
When you're struggling to cure frequent yeast infections you need to treat your infections from the root cause. You need to find out why the fungus is in your body in the first place. You can't keep on killing it just to alleviate your symptoms. You need to stop it entering your body in the first place. And you do this by stopping the Candida yeast mutating into it.
You've had the Candida in your body all of your life, we all have. But now, the Candida in your body is mutating into fungus which it wasn't doing before, and the reason that is happening is because your body is allowing it too. Your body use to keep this organism under control, but now it has lost that control, and you need to get it back.
For your body to regain the ability to control the Candida again you must strengthen it's natural defenses. These have been compromised in some way, and once you get them up to full strength then your infections are going to stop. Your body will regain the ability to stop the yeast from mutating into fungus, and that's when your symptoms will finally be cured.
If you want to eliminate the Candida and fungus from your body then it's a good idea to get help. A lot of women think they can do this on their own, and they end up making their infection worse, and they end up suffering for a very long time. What you're doing every day is contributing to your infection, and you will keep on making these mistakes until someone points you in the right direction.
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