During the working day, there can be minor disruptions to your sanity, and if you want to go home with more energy than you came to work with you are going to need to stay on top of those energy sucking situations.
Relative to a global disaster, small office disasters, challenges and energy sucking circumstances pale into insignificance, but remember, there is very little hope of being able to put big disasters into context if you can't put small ones into context.
Ultimately, we are talking about your energy.
When your heart shuts in grief, anger, pain, fear, guilt or jealousy your energy is self destructive and, a series of ongoing events of a smaller nature, will eventually lead to life threatening illness, relationship breakdown, financial disaster or spiritual hell, depression.
So, it's essential to start with the Office..
your work and life..
rather than try to tackle the big issues without first baby steps.
Build Energy - Gratitude - What you Appreciate Grows Store Energy - Presence - Turn up Inspired - Process the past, take emotion cleansing mind baths Stop the Loss of Energy --? - Do You Remember this one...
? When A leader isn't a Leader Anymore When is a leader not a leader? The answer is a leader is not a leader when they become a follower.
When you or I, react to another person, take issue, get ruffled, become confused, listen to the ego of a team member, we are no longer a leader, we are a follower.
There are allot of very strong people out there, with big ideas about what they want in life, who are actually followers.
Reactive people who listen to small talk, reactive people who use compassion or sympathy as an excuse to follow rather than lead.
Nature leads, because for her, EGO and therefore the reactive triggers that disempower leaders do not exist.
Generic teachings do not hamper nature in evolving and growing life...
no, such things are of the EGO...
and therefore, a leader who leads with EGO will listen to EGO...
This is not leadership, this is reaction.
Compassion is not reaction.
Confusion is a leader's enemy.
It sucks energy faster than any other of the Four Pillars.
Confusion comes from generic teachings.
When you receive instruction about anything, whether it's trekking in Nepal, Kayaking the Ocean or Leadership at Work it is always contextual.
Change the context, and the teaching can easily become corrupt.
A great kayak forward stroke style in a wild storm will guarantee submersion.
A particular mode of leadership applied generically, can kill.
A leader needs to see that there are seven levels of team member head space.
Most people reside in one rather permanently.
Gratitude, Presence,? and Love can exist at all seven levels.
So people can claim to be happy, even if they're in a "GOT TO" space.
But their Happiness is EGO- CENTRIC..
The lower on the consciousness tree, the less you can trust a person, and yet, the more they'll be ENGAGED...
The EGO can be engaged or disengaged..
The leader who listens to this rhetoric is not leading, they are reacting.
The more threatened a person feels, the lower they sink on the consciousness tree.
So, a really, really needy life partner might be the sweetest lover, the kindest, most giving, but is this just a half of who they really are? Is it a mask? And how do you know this if it is so cleverly disguised behind wealth, health, happiness, sex and language that's convincing? The lower on the consciousness tree, the more powerful the EGO.
A leader, or Lover who listens to the EGO of others, obviously listens and believes their own.
EGO is designed to mask intuitive uncertainty, that sixth sense that what we're being in life is really at some level fake.
Half truth.
The downside of our EGO is that we swallow those individual intuitions that, if circumstances were different and we saw each other as unique potential, might bring forward a whole new insight to our human development and leadership.
In Nature every leaf has a purpose under heaven.
Nothing is wasted, except, for a time in each person's life, their unique potential.
My client is sad, she lost her job, rejected and now dejected.
She bemoans the loss of income, the sense of failure, the pain of rejection.
Her EGO is radio active, she's inflamed with emotional uncertainty.
Two weeks prior to her sacking, "she was happy"..
or so she says.
I notice sadness deep in her eyes, she looks older than her years, her partner isn't happy, her children aren't happy, is this really the earmark of a person who was happy until she got the sack from her job? I doubt it.
I suspect her EGO was dancing with Golden Handcuffs...
which, in essence means, "Hate the Job, Love the Income.
" Another client is Fat.
Fat like a pig.
He's fat, too fat.
Fat neck, fat hands, fat feet.
He's Fat, not obese, I don' t play EGO games with political correct uncertainty.
He's FAT.
What is fat? Fat is slow suicide.
All FAT people are deliberately and consciously committing slow suicide.
Euthanasia is already legal, it's sold in all Breakfast Cereal Packets, Bread, Sugar drinks and Processed meat...
mostly American products...
FAT is not a weight problem it's slow suicide...
and many people are slow suicide.
But fat isn't the only process to slow suicide...
anger is another, sugar addictions, alcohol addictions and drugs addictions are slow suicides too.
Euthanasia is legal...
My Fat client is dying.
It's his right to die.
He can choose to eat or not eat, fat food.
He can watch tv or walk the block, his choice, no one elses.
I respect his choice.
It's not my life.
It's his life.
He can choose life, or choose death.
In nature, anything that doesn't fulfill it's purpose is destroyed.
The only thing that stops a person filling their purpose is their EGO.
So, slow suicide, fat people and self destructive people are EGO CENTRIC.
That's their only problem...
Self Obsession and that's so easy to deal with...
in nature's hands, it simply requires that my client start to "not take life so personally" - but that's another topic...
self obsession is a huge global issue often disguised as spirituality, new age, or self help...
So, my Fat client needs Love, and Gratitude, and Presence...
but both he and my Unemployed Lady need one last thing, the last of the FOUR PILLARS of LIFE.
Gratitude, Presence -? and Love.
Do you remember what that? is? Disharmony and dishonesty thrive in a pool of turbid water where this last ingredient is missing.
Leaders who don't have this last piece of the puzzle don't lead, they manage.
People say you can't have it, because it produces hard headed rigidity, but of course they're talking about a false sense of it.
Because this last element of the FOUR PILLARS is what ultimately generates flexibility, adaptability, individuality, creativity, community and family.
Teachers avoid this last element.
They teach leaders what is known as "one size fits all" - a modelling system for behaviour and leadership based on generic audience, generic environment and generic presentation.
The cost of anything else is a breakdown in conformity, too hard to teach en mass.
But Nature is not generic.
She doesn't say, "all oceans are the same, all land is the same, all mountains are the same" all that is generic in nature are her laws, Nature's Universal Laws and these are generic, but when it comes to material world, the EGO, life, nature is not generic.
All, in nature, is impermanent, and her laws do not have sympathy or political correctness for FAT people or Unemployed people or sick people or Wealthy People.
Nature applies her laws, according to her laws, nothing else determines their place of landing.
Teachings that defy nature's law, comply with EGO law and, as can be seen in the average Business, Leadership, Organised Religion, or Therapy process cause untold trouble in the interests of solving one issue they create another, sucking the lifeforce out of both the teacher and the student: stress, lost energy, wasted potential, abuse of power, dishonesty and broken trust.
In fact, in a Harvard University Business Review recently, low levels of trust in business life account for more than 80% of time and energy wastage at work.
Want to go home with more energy than you went to work with? Then trust seems to be at the top of the hit list for conserving that precious fuel you own, you distribute and your family so deserves.
But what are you going to trust? People? That would be foolish.
People are EGO based and the human ego is a two sided animal.
It only ever displays half truth.
You can know this for all humanity, including the Pope or whoever you admire.
What you see, is only half what you get.
Leadership becomes Leadership So, what can you trust? You can trust nature.
Nature doesn't promise anything...
so your expectations can't be false.
You can't expect nature to conform to your tricks, play games with EGO, enjoy your FAT program or have preference over you because you are unemployed and your EGO got crushed because your identity is built around your career "Leadership Role" at work.
She doesn't discern.
Obey her laws you live happily.
Disobey her laws you get challenged.
The last of the four pillars of Energy, is Certainty...
The only certainty we can have are nature's universal laws.
No wrathful God can be trusted, No book that was written and is proven to be flawed can be trusted, trusting those things causes hard headed EGO centric obsession, a hope, faith, and many other important emotional fall back positions.
Certainty comes in trusting the future.
The future may not turn out as your ego describes, but the Laws of Nature Will Be Unchanged.
Certainty of the Future.
The Human EGO is structured around circumstance.
So, when a leader starts to trust the human ego in a higher way than nature's law, the leader is no longer a leader, they are a puppet on a string.
The Human EGO is convincing, compliant, complex, convoluted.
What you see is never what you get.
It is only half.
And when a leader sees a person at "face value" they are no longer a leader.
Nature's law makes the EGO transparent.
Hence, with Nature's Law you become Certain...
you cannot trust the Human EGO you can trust what is behind it.
Human Nature is never what you see.
A leader who listens to what a person thinks, is hearing with their ears.
A real leader hears with their heart.
To listen, we must know people better than they know themselves.
This is what results from Nature's Law, a trust, a certainty, a knowing.
Dealing with Big Disasters' When the World Trade Centre in NYC fell I was less than a mile away.
I watched from the flight of the first plane over my building to the last brick falling from the three collapsed towers.
I watched people jump.
It was not good.
What could I do? Helpless? I had a choice.
I could choose to become a part of the problem, letting my ego drop to GOT TO and join the millions of people around the world self obsessing about how this remote disaster affected them, or I could process my stuff and then turn up and help heal.
I processed the whole scene in a few hours, then went down to the street, and rather than offer sympathy, or "complex compassion" I offered love...
Gratitude, Presence, Certainty and Love.
It's a huge event and one can often lose gratitude for what will result in the long term...
but it exists.
I turn up, because I can't change the past...
there are two sides to the past, I process that, and like the Phoenix, rise from the ashes, renewed.
Letting go the past hour.
I trust nature...
not people or Gods...
I trust nature and therefore the hand that created it.
I trust the future..
and Nature's Universal Laws that we evolve at the border of support and challenge.
I am witnessing the challenge part of nature's love.
Love comes when there is gratitude, presence, certainty.
Love is, when I stop emotionalising, worrying, rescuing, fixing, fighting, trying, doing or being something and just forget.
As I walked those dust laden New York Streets I simply had to stand with my heart open - Firemen and Women came to me for hugs.
Nothing spoken, tears, mine and theirs.
Tears of reassurance.
Builds the energy Presence...
Stores the Energy Certainty...
Stops the loss of Energy Love...
Directs the Energy