Law & Legal & Attorney Accidents & personal injury Law

The Causes and Effects of Head Injuries

Head injuries may have a devastating effect on the individuals who suffer them.
Since the head protects the brain from injuries, injuries to the head actually may cause brain trauma.
This may significantly alter an individual's way of life, as brain injuries stemming from head injuries are usually serious matters.
Head injuries can happen in a number of ways.
Most commonly, they occur through:
  • Slip and fall accidents
  • Car accidents
  • Ballistic trauma
What these accidents have in common is that they have the ability to cause blunt force to the head, which may lead to head trauma.
Head trauma can have a number of effects on the brain, including:
  • Concussions
  • Cerebral contusions
  • Brain swelling
  • Excess cranial pressure
  • Internal hemorrhaging
Each of these injuries can have devastating effects on an individual's well-being.
An individual who suffers one of these injuries may experience severe pain, behavioral changes, or memory loss.
Depending on the severity of the injury, an individual may even pass away.
In many cases, individuals suffer head injuries when other people commit negligent actions that put others in danger.
As such, individuals who suffer injuries because of others' negligence may be entitled to financial compensation from the responsible individual.
The victims of serious head and brain injuries should not be forced to cover the cost of their medical expenses alone.
To gain financial compensation, individuals will need to file legal action against the responsible party, usually in the form of a personal injury lawsuit.
Personal injury and other types of lawsuits require the legal assistance of an experienced personal injury lawyer.

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