Health & Medical Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery

How To Manage Depression After Breast Augmentation Surgery

Any type of surgery, whether big or small, is an emotional event. This is particularly true with regards to cosmetic or plastic surgery, including breast augmentation surgery. Many people may not expect to feel sadness or depression after having a surgery that positively enhances their look and appearance. Often women expect to feel wonderful about themselves immediately following the procedure, and while that is the case for many patients, there are other women who experience anxiety, depression and sadness after such a procedure. Such female patients may begin to doubt themselves and second-guess the choice to have surgery, as the immediate and short-term pain, bruising and swelling can contribute to such thoughts. These feelings are completely normal with such adverse thinking soon to pass.

Feelings of sadness or anxiety following breast augmentation surgery can be linked to many factors. Oftentimes the side effects of anesthesia can bring out more emotions than one expected. The normal pain medication prescribed may help deal with the pain but can also impact your emotions. There are some physical limitations in the healing process with restriction of daily activities, with bruising, swelling, and bandages. All short-term side effects will go away within a few weeks of the surgery and patients then focus on their new body and opportunities. It takes time for the body to heal, and understanding that such feelings are absolutely normal helps to speed up the physical and emotional recovery process.

As the healing begins, such feelings of depression begin to subside. Patients should keep perspective understanding the positive end goal and short-term nature of such healing. It is recommended to have your support system such as family or close friends to help through this healing transition. Take the necessary time to properly heal by catching up on old movies or curling up with a good book. Keep your mind active as your body begins to heal and these unwanted feelings will also to diminish.

Follow your surgeon's orders on post-op care and remember that each day of recovery is on step closer to completing the healing process. In the end, when all the pain has passed and the bruising and swelling have subsided, you will be able to look in the mirror and smile, agreeing that the healing and recovery was all worth the new you. If feelings of depression do not subside, discuss at greater length with your plastic surgeon. Remember that many patients go through the same medical and emotional processes and having such temporary feelings is very common when receiving plastic surgery.

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