Law & Legal & Attorney Accidents & personal injury Law

Review: Monge & Associates, Georgia Work-Related Injury Lawyers

Victims of work-related injuries living in the state of Georgia can turn to the expert legal services provided by Monge & Associates to file their claims.

As lawyers with over 35 years of experience handling only personal injury cases, the Atlanta based firm is well equipped to represent you in the complex processes that govern Worker's Compensation claims and personal injury liabilities.

You don't have to work in a designated "hazardous occupation" to be injured on the job. In fact, if you type at a keyboard everyday or have to endure long hours driving on the road, you may have a suit. Repetitive motion stress injuries are among the most common, and are often the result of a corporation's refusal to provide employees with inadequate equipment or not enough breaks.

Work-related injuries come in every form, and Monge & Associates have seen it all. They also know how frustrating it can be to deal with your employer or their insurance company. These entities have no incentive to pay your claim. In fact, they often will try their hardest to get you to drop your claim and force you back into work before you have recovered.

Workman's Compensation insurances and the employers who use them have resorted to outright lying about benefits, to giving employees the runaround, to threatening workers with loss of employment and have routinely used employees' ignorance about their rights to lessen any claims they have to pay.

The lawyers at Monge & Associates have been successfully combating these standard tactics for years. They have helped many people injured while on the job to recover their medical and lost wage expenses, as well as making sure that any permanent damage resulting from the injury is also addressed in any settlement.

Companies know when they are breaking the law and putting you in a dangerous situation. That's what their lawyers are for. They are counting on you not knowing what legal rights you have to refuse or on your fear of losing your job.
  • If you work at a chemical plant or oil refinery and have been told to ignore safety protocols, or if such protocols were simply not enforced—and you sustained an injury as a result—don't feel that you have to live with it.
  • If you are a commercial delivery truck or interstate truck driver and you were in an accident because you were not scheduled to have an adequate amount of rest, you don't have to suck up your injury.
  • If you are a food processor or assembly line worker and you were injured because of faulty equipment or dangerous workflows, don't suffer without consulting Monge & Associates first.

Monge & Associates has successfully represented many types of work-related injury claims, including:
  • Amputations caused by faulty equipment,
  • Crush injuries
  • Repetitive stress injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Chronic back and neck pain
  • Joint injuries
  • Head trauma from falls and other situations
  • Spinal injury
  • Foot and ankle injury
  • And much more

Don't suffer in silence. Give them a call today.

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