Even though the Tantric practices teach a great deal about the spiritual and can include numerous meditation and sexual rites, they could be successfully used as prolonging pleasure techniques as well.
A little known fact is that millions of men around the Globe suffer from premature ejaculation and even the ones that do not have at times trouble lasting long enough for their partners to reach an orgasm.
The statistics point out that on average the sexual acts last less than ten minutes and quite often this leaves the female partner unsatisfied.
However, taking Tantric massage or Tantric sex classes could be used to teach men various techniques and show them how to control their ejaculation and prolong pleasure for both partners.
Although similar techniques are used by sex therapists, they often involve negative thoughts, which are used as means of dulling the excitement in order for the man to last longer.
The Tantric techniques, on the other hand, do not involve any negativity at all, but rather show men how to please their partners better by familiarizing themselves with the female sexuality and incorporating sensual massage into the foreplay or the actual act.
The Yoni massage, which is an essential part of the Tantric sessions, is only one of the methods that a man can use to prepare his partner and bring her to the same state of mind.
Let us not forget that men are far easier to excite, while some women might need more time to "get in the mood.
" However, prolonging pleasure can be done by numerous other techniques such as breathing exercises, Taoist methods, blood flow control, and sexual energy channeling, which are all meant to teach men how to gradually gain control over their ejaculation.
The best prolonging pleasure classes and workshops are the ones that are attended by both partners - this is extremely beneficial as the partners learn how to openly discuss their problems and desires and also practice some of the techniques together.
Once understood and mastered, the same techniques can then be practiced at home and become an essential part of a prolonging pleasure routine, which will inevitably lead to more satisfying sex for both companions.
Where can a man l learn some of these prolonging pleasure exercises? Many of the massage centers employ qualified and experienced therapists, who can not only demonstrate, but also teach a man how to perform these techniques on his own or together with his pattern.
Regardless if you suffer from premature ejaculating or you simply wish to learn how to last longer and give more pleasure to your partner, you will benefit enormously from attending such class or at least a few sessions.
Learning the difference between ejaculation, orgasm, and a full body orgasm, which is possible only through practicing Tantrism, will show you new and extremely exciting ways of intimacy that you never thought possible.
Uniting the spiritual, sexual, and the sensual will also help you add zest to your intimate life and strengthen the relationship that you have with your partner!
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