Health & Medical Allergies & Asthma

How to Use Yoga to Treat Asthma

Aside from being a form of relaxing exercise, yoga has also been used by asthmatics to achieve relief over their condition.
Researches conducted by various Yoga Centres across the globe have shown astonishing results in improving the condition of asthmatics.
In some cases it has also been found that yoga can help asthmatics avoid and control attacks without the aid of conventional medication thereby minimizing dependency.
The exercises associated with yoga (asanas, kiriyas, pranayamas, along with relaxation and meditation) have been known to calm down the whole system, bringing equilibrium in a sense, which in turn facilitates proper assimilation of nutrients taken from the food that you eat, strengthen the lungs, digestive and circulatory system.
With continuous practice, control is achieved to a great extent that attacks and flare ups will almost be nonexistent.
Practice and mastery of yoga can also bring about greater self awareness helping you to accurately pin-point your own triggers and the patterns associated with your condition.
Even simple yogic practices help regulate breathing patterns as well as enhance lung functioning and correct erroneous breathing habits that have been developed over time.
Some of the yoga poses that help in alleviating or preventing asthma include: Sukhasana: the easiest of all the yoga poses available.
Sitting erect on the floor, crossing your legs and clasping your knees is all it takes.
Breathe deeply through the nose for about five minutes or until the symptoms start to subside or totally vanishes.
Shoulder lifts: For this method, you will need to lie flat on the floor with your hands stretched above your head.
Relax for a couple of breaths then slowly lift up your shoulders towards the front together with head, crunching the abdomen as if you are curling up.
Inhale as you get up and exhale when retracting.
Kapalabhati: A highly meditative breathing technique, Kaphalabati requires that you breathe rapidly in short sequences and consciously control the movements of the diaphragm.
This will exercise the entire respiratory system bringing relief within a couple of minutes after starting.
It is advised that when practicing yoga it would be best if you're on an empty stomach only taking few sips of water from time to time in order to keep your airways most.
Using light, loose-fitting clothes and practicing in a comfortable, well ventilated, airy room or outdoors with enough space for any of the exercises you will be doing is also an advantage.
Mastery of yoga is not that easy to achieve, that is why it would be best to get help from experts first so that you will be able to get professional advice as to what forms of yoga will work best for your condition.

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