Alternative asthma therapies or drugs... where does the pharmaceutical company's heart lie... with your health or shareholders' profits? We owe much to those who seek to cure our ailments. But what is the pharmaceutical company's relationship with us?
Long, long ago, there were fewer people on the planet and some of them died young. Still, there was a tidy number who survived (i.e., our forefathers), and that was before giant pharmaceutical companies ever existed. Isn't that amazing?
Today, we owe much to dedicated men and women who sought means to relieve and cure ailments. But just what is the modern day pharmaceutical company's relationship with us? Forgive me for having moments of wondering if they still have our best interests at heart - or if they now see us as a cash cow. For whose benefit is all the money being spent on the research and development of new drugs? What is the connection between them and governments? These drugs that are being produced... relief for a person in distress is most welcome, but are they doing much to actually cure them?
Is it all just one big conspiracy to get our money?
I'm not really into conspiracy theories but doesn't it pay the shareholders to rather keep us alive but ill? If they were to actually cure a sick patient, he would no longer need to buy their drugs. Not good business practice. With a chronic illness you gratefully buy the drugs and try not to add up what it costs each and every month. You become dependent on your inhalers if you have no alternative. Obviously your doctor is not going to suggest you use anything else, his livelihood is tied up with the pharmaceutical drug chain.
But, there is a choice because recognised alternative asthma therapies are freely available. Frequently we find independent reports and personal testimonials from every part of the planet saying, "Hey, wait a minute, we might have something here." Articles in newspapers and magazines abound with stories of hundreds and thousands of people who have found a drug-free way of managing or curing their asthma. These are mostly your average Joe who looked for natural solutions to his health problem. Your local library will have books on alternative approaches to asthma, or simply use the internet.
There are alternative therapies
I assume your reading to find more information about how to stop asthma. Having an open mind is a good way to start easing away from the vicious circle of drug treatment for one asthma attack after another. There are so many natural ways to cure asthma - homoeopathy; acupuncture; EFT; chiropractic; reflexology and the Buteyko method to name a few. There are other alternative asthma therapies that have also proven themselves through the ages, you just have to invest the time to find the one that works for you.
You could explore some natural treatments.Start by looking up a report with an alternative solution about how to cure asthma the natural way. Chances are, you won't hear about this anywhere else because it reduces dependency on asthma drugs and, therefore, it isn't in the interest of pharmaceutical companies that you know about this.
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