One of the most popular diet programs today is the master cleanse diet.
Master cleanse diet is also known as the Maple syrup diet.
This natural weight loss diet was created back in 1950s and it has been proven safe and effective by thousands of people who have used the said program for the longest time.
Even famous singers have used the said diet program while preparing for their roles in the movies.
Some singers reportedly lost around 20 pounds after following the strict diet program.
This diet program involves a strict program that promises to give great results for as long as you follow the instructions carefully.
This program is so beneficial that it helps you lose weight while it cleanses your body at the same time.
The diet program is called the Maple syrup diet because Maple syrup is one of the main ingredients used in the meals recommended for this particular program.
This diet normally lasts for 10 days.
This diet is also known to cure various conditions like allergies, acne problems and the likes.
Here are the steps to help you prepare your very own Maple syrup diet.
This natural weight loss plan will surely help you enjoy the sweet taste of Maple syrup.
First, you will have to prepare an empty gallon of jug.
Second, place three quarts of water inside the jug.
Third, add a cup of maple syrup into the jug.
Fourth, pour a cup of lemon juice into the jug as well.
Fifth, add one teaspoon of cayenne pepper and sixth, place one crushed laxative pill into the jug then stir it properly.
Start drinking the mixture on your first day and avoid any solid foods.
On your second day, you may accompany this diet with soup or juice only.
Avoid any solid foods.
And on the third day, you may accompany this diet with light solid foods such as bread or cracker but nothing heavier than that.
Redo steps one, two and three until you reach the tenth day.
On the tenth day, stop the maple syrup diet and wait for a month before you start doing this diet program again.
While you are on this diet, it is important that you drink lots of water and tea.
Three to four weeks off should be enough to get you back on track.
It is important that you still avoid vices such as smoking and drinking.
Get enough rest and sleep.
Watch what you eat and make sure not to eat huge meals once you're off the diet program.
Bear in mind that you should only use the original maple syrup that came from maple tree saps because imitations like pancake syrups and the likes will give you a negative and an opposite result.
This natural weight loss program uses maple syrup specifically because maple syrup contains a very small amount of sugar content which means, it gives you the luxury of enjoying the sweetness without compromising your weight.
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