Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Pregnancy Week By Week

A very important time in the life of a woman is the period of pregnancy.
She expects a nice cute baby with much anxiety and happiness.
She would be monitoring day by day the changes coming to her, mentally and physically.
This is a great period for not only for mother but also for the father.
He also would be excited with expectation of his new baby within a short period of 36 weeks or less.
The waiting period is extremely enjoyable and anxious.
Let us see the details of pregnancy week by week.
There are many guides, calendars and tracking tools, which give much information on baby's growth week by week and also various early symptoms of pregnancy.
These tools provide you with the necessary pregnancy treatment plan as well.
The baby is surely growing inside the womb day by day, but significant changes can be assessed week by week.
The total pregnancy period can be divided into three, first from week one to week 14, second from week 15 to week 26 and third from here to the delivery.
The general trends of the growth and movements can be easily described with these three time periods.
Pregnancy period always start with the date of last menses period.
From that day to two period is the period of fertilization.
During this period sperm fertilizes the egg.
By the third week the embryo is formed.
From the fourth week onwards the mother get the early symptoms of pregnancy, tiredness and nausea.
Week five is very critical for the development of the main organs of the body.
During this period really the baby is getting its shape from the embryo.
Heartbeats begin by the sixth week and the size becomes double that of first week by seventh week.
By the end of the two months, the baby's sex can be determined using modern scanning facilities and a little baby has already taken shape.
By week 14, first development period for the baby comes to an end and the mother gets secondary feelings such as blackening and itching around the nipples.
The 12 weeks in the next period is really the time of proper growth and development of brain.
By week 1, the movements of the baby start.
It moves head, lips and legs.
By week 17, the baby begins sucking and swallowing.
By the half of the pregnancy period, say by week 20, the baby starts sleeping in regular times.
By week 24 heartbeats can be heard outside if you keep you ear on the stomach in a quiet environment.
Last period from week 27 to delivery.
By week 27 the baby movements become very faster and mother feel the kicking of the baby in her stomach? The baby gets all his senses developed fully by week 30.
Baby can hear, taste and smell from this week onwards.
By week 33 the immune system develops to full and by week 36 baby will be ready to face the new world.
The details outlined here help the parents to track the baby's growth week by week and gives a good perception of how the baby will look like during the particular week.
One can monitor the size, mass, and position of the child weekly.
Also it provides the expected movements of the child during the pregnancy period.

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