- 1). Lay out the coupons you have on a table or counter to take inventory of your coupons.
- 2). Organize the coupons by the product, making groups of coupons. For example, make basic groups of coupons including frozen foods, beverages, snacks, desserts, beauty products and household products.
- 3). Label your coupon organizer sections with the coupon groups you made with your coupons. Some coupon organizers have preprinted labels you can insert into the section dividers, and other coupon organizers allow you to write your specific coupon categories on the dividers.
- 4). Sort each group of coupons, placing the coupons in order of expiration with the nearest expiration dates on the top of each pile.
- 5). Place each group of sorted coupons into the corresponding section in the coupon organizer.
- 6). Check the coupons in your coupon organizer every week by looking at the coupons in the front of each section so you can easily find and use the coupons that are about to expire.
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