Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

How to Get Rid of Acne or Pimples With Proven Herbal Remedies

Acne is a widespread form of skin problem noticeable among teenagers. It occurs due to congestion of skin pores by excessive sebum or oil and dead skin cells. When one enters in to adolescence, hormonal fluctuations occur in body, stimulating the oil glands. Excessive oil collects in pores, gets contaminated and infected leading to a wide range of skin complications, labeled as acne.

Acne appears during adolescence, continues in to adulthood and vanishes usually after 30. Men are more prone to acne than women. Severe acne may lead to scars and blemishes, thereby causing the victim to suffer from poor self-confidence.

Types of Acne

1. Comedomes are plugged follicles. They contain sebum or oxidized sebum. When comedomes are below the skin surface and are white, they are called white heads. When the collected sebum spills over the skin surface and gets oxidized in contact with pollutants, they become black and are known as blackheads.

2. Pimples are small pus filled mounds, red at the base and white on the peak. Pimples are an inflammatory skin problem, often known as pustules.

3. Papules are pin-heads, quite similar to pimples. They are smaller in size.

4. Cystic acne is a more severe form of acne. Pustules may often erupt beneath the skin surface, resulting in infected cysts with hardened crust.

Proven Herbal Remedies for Acne

Herbs can be very useful in treating acne or pimples. Our skin is a natural gift of God and it is best to treat any skin problem by means of pure natural products. Several herbs can have a rejuvenating effect on our skin, which is perhaps the most sensitive part of our body.

1. Diluted tea tree oil may be used on eruptive acne. It has antiseptic properties.

2. Calendula herb may be used as an infusion. One can wash acne with that infusion or even take the steam. The treatment heals damaged skin tissue.

3. Aloe gel may be applied topically on acne. It is known for its astringent and antibacterial properties.

4. Rose water may be applied on acne to relieve pain and inflammation.

5. Lavender compress is highly beneficial in treating inflammatory conditions.

6. Golden seal is very useful in treating oozing pimples and nodules.

7. Walnut leaf extract is quite beneficial if used as an astringent face wash.

8. Echinacea tincture heals broken cysts very well.

9. Witch hazel is notable for its antibacterial properties.

10. Basil tincture is very good for acne. It can clean the pores effectively and check acne break-outs.

11. Burdock leaves and clover leaves infusion is highly beneficial for skin cleansing.

12. One of the best ways to get rid of acne is to take Golden Glow capsules. It is a clinically blended ayurvedic supplement to cure acne and pimples naturally.

Read more about Natural Acne Treatment. Also know about Natural Slimming Pills. Read about Immunity Supplement.

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