Business & Finance Careers & Employment

The Role of a Music Producer


    • A music producer, also called a record producer, wears many hats. Traditionally, music producers were primarily responsible for editing the recording sessions in order to turn them into the finished product you hear on the radio. While this is still one of their functions, recent decades have found producers becoming more accountable for the overall production. The music producer now serves as creative director for the entire album, coaches musicians, and manages and oversees recording sessions. Plus, the producer is responsible for scheduling during the recording process and managing the recording budget as set forth by the record company.


    • While there is technically no degree required to become a music producer, many colleges offer degree or vocational programs for certification. A bachelor's degree with an emphasis in music or fine arts may give you a bit of an advantage in the field, but there is no substitute for experience. Music producers should proficient in playing the piano and reading music, since they often help to write or arrange music. Understanding composition and songwriting is important for any music producer, as is a working knowledge of music history and theory.


    • Some music producers don't work for record companies, choosing instead to work independently. This may be by choice or because they want to gain experience before applying for a position with a record company. Freelance music producers often need to set up their own studios, whether in their home or office. Freelance producers often help new artists to record demo tapes, and may also act as agents or managers. If you are a freelance producer, set up a website that will detail your services, and use social networking to your advantage.


    • The colossal success of MTV-style music videos gave music producers new options, and many became video producers as well. Music video producers function much like record producers, except that they are also responsible for ensuring that the video properly compliments the music and matches their (and the artists') vision. They also usually help the director of the video to hire the production staff, including the film editor, lighting staff, choreographer and photography director. They are often the facilitator between the various creative personalities on a video set. Music video directors are most often employed by the record company that funds the project.


    • Music-producing jobs are not easy to come by. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, producing jobs are very sought after, making the competition fierce. Music producing jobs are expected to increase by approximately 11 percent by 2016, which is about average when compared with other job fields. The number of experienced producers who are currently between jobs will make it difficult for new producers to break into the business. The median salary for producers in 2006 was about $56,000 per year (see Resources below).

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