Undoubtedly, most of the Indians will point out the issues of water pollution as the bane of India water scenario. Lots of rural areas in the country are not getting fresh drinking water, making them go for long distances to fetch a few buckets of water. Those, who are living, along the well known rivers in the plains, do not get tired of the diseases imbibed into their bodies, inspite of the sufferings which generations have been facing. India water scenario is in a state of menace, with short supply of drinking water and not to mention about the water used for washing.
Solutions having been thought over with ideas which are bane
Solutions have been projected fast and thick by the government and other water responsible agencies, most of which remain at the level of conversations and discussions while many of them fail to see the light of the day. Water pollution seems to be the most important problem at hand, which is supposedly possible to be taken care of. But, as ill fate it would be, most companies are not coming forth towards using proper machines and equipments to remove the pollution. Indian and state governments have initiated such efforts, but the slow pace of cleaning is not sufficient to prevent the water getting polluted again.
Desalination is possibly proposed to be a solution for the cleaning of the drinking water from the seas, as the sea water in India is found in plenty. Desalination also helps in water reuse, providing an impetus to the water supply to most rural areas and townships. Wastewater treatment can be done for the flow which is coming out from the houses, industries, offices and so on. These can be purified with suitable equipments and proper water reuse facilities. At this juncture, it is important to understand that there are enough of resources, which can be sourced from foreign countries having the knowhow and training Indians in the water reuse and water desalination.
Thinking of foreign collaborations
If the foreign collaboration is thought about seriously, then it can be seen as a major solution for the water supply, by cleaning India water and making it fit for drinking, washing, agricultural use, and many other purposes. Lots of foreign countries are eager to invest their knowledge and finances in such a purpose, albeit there is absence of a predicament about the long standing procedural clearances. In recent years, Finnish government and few Japanese companies have shown interest in having clean water from the polluted water found in the region.
Foreign collaboration as the route to clean water for long term
One of the biggest advantages of the foreign collaborations with India water is that the cost of investment in water supply and cleaning will be lowered to a great extent. This is going to be beneficial in the long run, so much so that Indian companies can then export their technologies and expertise for benefit of other countries, after becoming self sufficient in the water reuse and desalination. Managing the water in India is a big challenge. Presently, the issue that is faced by India is the lack of proper attention towards various requirements of water supply through ideas of desalination, wastewater treatment and cleaning the rivers and the polluted water bodies.