- 1). Open a new document or page in your word processing or document creation software application. For most novice computer users, an application such as Microsoft Word or Paint will be sufficient to create a basic, yet sophisticated-looking flyer. If you are an intermediate or advanced computer user and wish to make or use your own graphics or altered images, you may use an application such as Adobe Photoshop, Pixelmator, or Publisher 2000 for this project. The software that you use is fairly irrelevant and is really just a matter of personal preference. The most important aspect of your flyer is going to be its message. Therefore, as long as your application is capable of supporting text and images, you will be in good shape.
- 2). Create a bold and exciting headline at the top of your flyer. The text of this headline should be larger than the text on the remainder of the flyer. Your headline should sum up the overall message that you want to convey. It should also entice the reader to continue reading your flyer for additional information. For example, if you bake and sell homemade cookies, your headline could be "The Nation's Most Delicious Cookies Baked Right Here in Your Town." If you are having a difficult time coming up with a snappy or catchy headline, you may use the name of your business.
- 3). Provide details about your homemade product. State exactly what you are selling, whether it has any special qualities or benefits, whether proceeds will go to a charity, and whether you are offering any type of promotional pricing, thereby treating your flyer as a coupon as well. You may choose to state your "sales pitch" in paragraph form; however, defining each point with a separate bullet point may be more appealing and easier for your readers to quickly scan and comprehend. You may also insert a picture of your product or relevant clip art image into your flyer for added interest.
- 4). Complete your flyer by telling readers where they can contact you and purchase your products. If you have a website, include this information in this section. If not, include your phone number and email address or a physical address where you can be reached. If you sell your products at a local farmers market or craft show, tell readers exactly where they can find your products.
- 5). Print your flyer by connecting an ink jet or laser printer to your computer using a USB cable. If you have never used your printer with your computer before, you may need to install software on your computer. This process involves placing the CD-ROM that came with the printer into your computer's CD-ROM drive and following the prompts for installation. Place white or color paper into the paper tray in your printer. Select the "File" option from the menu bar located at the top of the page and click the "Print" option. A window will open that will allow you to choose how many copies you wish to print. Select the appropriate number of copies and click the "Print" option again.
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