Health & Medical Women's Health

Preparing for Your First Mammogram

Congratulations your doctor has just told you it is time for you to get a mammogram! Mammograms save lives by detecting breast cancer in its earliest stages.
Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer for women today.
When breast cancer is caught in the early stages, it can easily be treated and cured.
Don't delay, go ahead and schedule your appointment.
Mammograms are a quick x-ray of the breast, generally there is little discomfort and is an easy way to optimize your health.
So now that you know how important it is to get a mammogram, how do you prepare for that first visit or what is called"baseline mammogram?" Going in for your mammogram may seem scary, but you should be proud because you are taking control of your health.
The technologist will ask you to undress from the waist up.
They usually give you a robe, gown or wrap to wear.
It is important to make sure you do not use deodorant or powders under the arms or in the breast area.
Deodorant and powders show up on x-rays and can mimic certain cancers.
The technologist should have wipes available to use in case you forget.
If you have long hair, the technologist also may ask you to tie it back.
In the imaging room, the technologist will ask you about your breast history, current problems and family history of cancer.
The mammographer will image one breast at a time.
Generally there are two pictures per breast, so a total of four x-rays.
The first set of x-rays you will be facing forward and the mammographer will lift your breast onto an imaging receptor and slowly compress the breast with a top plate.
The second set of x-rays is from the side, usually about a 45 degree angle.
This set will also compress the breast to get an optimal image.
Many women worry about the pain of compressing the breast, but the technologist ensures she adds enough compression for the best picture but also makes sure it is tolerable for you, the patient.
The exam is over quickly and you'll probably find yourself asking, "That's it?" It is important to come back regularly for mammograms.
Mammograms are compared year after year and that is how changes are detected and breast cancer is caught.
If you are called to come back for a repeat mammogram after your first, do not be alarmed.
This happens often if there is something the doctor wants a better look at.
Generally the second mammogram will match up with the first, but it is always better to err on the safe side.
The last step is to urge your friends and co-workers to get regular mammograms as well.
Let them know how important it is and what a positive experience you had!

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