The measure of man is determined by his character. A man's character is measured by his actions. So what are a man's actions saying about him? Is he the whole package? Here are some red flags to consider when assessing the measure of a man:
1. Education: He does not have a college degree and is not part of a successful business.
The only justification for not obtaining a college degree is to start or be a part of a successful business. Otherwise, there are very few reasons, if any, that substantiate such a decision. A man who pursues and completes his college education understands the value and benefits of higher education. It shows a determination on his part to provide security for himself and his future family. A college education can speak volumes about a man's character. It can signal that he is determined, has the ability to be decisive, and has a long-term perspective.
2. Maturity: When there is a problem in your relationship he calls his mom.
Problems or concerns in a relationship should be kept between you and him. The ability to resolve problems, especially those between the two of you, displays the ability that he can think on his own. Also, if he feels the need to seek the advice of another, this probably indicates that communication issues exist between the two of you. Disagreements are private matters and as such should be kept private. As an adult, he should be able to resolve most issues on his own and be respectful of a private relationship matter.
3. Selfishness: His idea of a quality time together is allowing you to be player two on a video game.
Make sure a man knows how to balance his interests and yours. A man who understands quality time together takes part in your interests, acting selflessly and considers your needs.
4. Suspicious behavior: He needs privacy when he is on the internet or a phone call.
Any of his actions that seem suspicious may be cause for alarm. One incidence may be excusable, but repeated incidents are a definite sign that something is up. Some phone calls are private, but if the time or place of the phone call seems strange, it might be best to follow your intuition. If particular actions cause you to feel unsettled or uneasy you may want to go with your gut on this one. Anything he has to hide is a red flag in and of itself.
5. Career: The success of his career is measured by how long he has kept his job.
Though spending many years with a company may be an accomplishment, there is a difference between celebrating the time one has spent with a company and that of simply being able to keep a job. Real success within a company or career is typically measured by reaching milestones, achievements, and being recognized as an expert within your field.
The measure of a man is determined by how he conducts himself in every aspect of life. The measure of a man is not based upon fitting the macho stereotype, but rather having a well-rounded character. A solid work ethic, maturity, selfless behavior, and trustworthiness are all essential qualities of man with an excellent character.
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